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Giovanni Gale

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:laughingsmiley: Hey... a Night Shift position opened up here. If I worked that, I'd be on here 7pm to 7am. If only I knew anything about the AC. Midnight for Neo, is 1 am for me. Then having to be up for work at 5:45am? Would be cool though.

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YOU SHOULD!! But only if your work thingy permits...if only I was experienced because I can stay up as late as I want during the summer! Even 3am which midnight NST for me.

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Yeah. Ughhh...Right now I am trying to install Sims 2 that I found in a drawer. It has the case, but it is missing the manual which holds the installation code! Grrrr...what a waste of $30. :sad01_anim:

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I could never get the hang of any of the SIM games. My sister used to have SIM City 2000 I think. I was horrible at it. She had SIM Tower. I was horrible at that. I've never actually tried any of the SIM people games.

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I am pretty good at Sims 2. And I used to love it when U I was 13 years old. My mom is buying me a Sims 3 this year, as a Birthday Gift. Yay for me. :)


And Spritzie, you should join the AC staff. It would be fun seeing you in the Staff. Your English is perfect and as you said, you are going to have midnight duties. So, what are you waiting for?

And yes, you can read the AC TDN articles to get a little knowledge. People in the Forums can help you too.


You know, when you mention AVATAR, it makes me think of a different kind of AVATAR. You know, the one that you WATCH. (I'm gonna watch it now, cause I got it on Blu-Ray, too bad it's not in 3D...)


So thanks, now you have me watching one of my favorite movies.

Avatar was a good movie, I agree. I watched it in 3D first. But overall, I have seen it 7 times. Once with my friends, once with my brother, once with my ... Oh! I forgot. :P

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And Spritzie, you should join the AC staff. It would be fun seeing you in the Staff. Your English is perfect and as you said, you are going to have midnight duties. So, what are you waiting for?

And yes, you can read the AC TDN articles to get a little knowledge. People in the Forums can help you too. [/b]


:laughingsmiley: I am actually on the day shift. I work 7am to 7pm. We just had a night shift position open up. (Though they're probably going to have it filled by the end of the day.)


And oh sweet, I just noticed that I got into the caption contest. With an AC caption nonetheles.


Congrats on getting into the Caption Contest. I voted for you. :) I'm going to start entering a caption every week. I'm bound to get one in eventually.

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I never tried getting into a Caption Contest. You know, I am not much into the jokes and stuffs. Some of my friends call me sarcastic. Don't know why though. I am not sarcastic ... am I? :guiltysmiley:

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I was on the Yearbook staff all through middle school, so I wrote a lot of articles and captions. I've tried entering once or twice. The only reason I was surprised that mine never made it in, was because a good amount of the ones that did, I didn't even think were really amusing. But I guess it was just me that thought that.

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Some captions aren't that funny. And I never vote a caption. But I like the caption pictures. They are somewhat cute.

This time I think I will try to get in, I guess.


And, hey Spritzie, it's nice to see you online. :)

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Thank you :) This might be it for a couple days. I get off work in a couple hours, and I won't be back until Sunday. But depending on what's going on, I might be online a bit at home. We have to do some new apartment shopping this weekend.

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My summer vacation is going to on. And it's gonna end after a couple of months. So, I will online often. Most of time I am at Neopets. I don't use Face Book as I don't have an account yet. And I am not even planning to.

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Did you hear about the IcePets? I logged in there and played for a couple of days. But got bored. No offense to IcePet's fans. But it's kind of new. So they aren't as vast as Neopets. And the Altador Cup, New Game Challenges, make Neopets more interesting. :)

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I just took a look at the main page of IcePets right now. But didn't log in. Too lazy to do that.


I completed an illusen Quest right now. The item was 800 NP.

And I Illusen awarded me this ...


It's called Cucumber Eye Cream.


Okay, not bad. As I am at level 8 right now.

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145 NP? Wow. Jhudora is being nice to you today, I guess. :)


Have you got the access to Magma pool yet? I mean, I have been refreshing like crazy but haven't got anything yet. The guard never allows me to get in. <_< I read about the Magma Pool in a TND article today itself. And after that, I am dying to paint my Pet Magma. I don't know why ... I think because it's free and I love free stuffs. :)

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I've never tried my main because I don't want any of my regular pets Magma. I have tried a couple times on a side account. I want one of my Jubjub's to be Magma so I can get her a Fire Kookith for a petpet. (I have a Jubjub/Kookith thing on that account.) I have a Christmas Jubjub, with a Christmas Kookith. A Cloud Jubjub with a Blue Kookith, and I'm eventually going to have a Faerie Jubjub with Faerie Kookith, and a Magma/Fire(since the Fire PB price has gone down so much) with a Fire Kookith.

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I clicked one time and the guard was asleep but apparently I took too long deciding which pet to paint because when I chose it went back to telling me I wasn't versed enough. Apparently a magma pet is not meant to be for me.

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:laughingsmiley: Hey... a Night Shift position opened up here. If I worked that, I'd be on here 7pm to 7am. If only I knew anything about the AC. Midnight for Neo, is 1 am for me. Then having to be up for work at 5:45am? Would be cool though.


Midnight for Neo is 3 am for me. I'm a late nighter, but by then I'm either asleep or not online at all. I love the AC, but I don't think I could write the stories good, because I'm best at writing horror and dark stories about...sensitive topics (suiside, grief, etc). I was best choice for it in my class for my horror "The Room". But I don't think I could post it here...


Besides, I'm saving my application skills for when TDN asks for mods. That's what I want to be. I am an Admin on the HAMS site already.

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