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Giovanni Gale

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This is the Emote avatar: emotingnimmo.gif


I plan to do that eventually, but so far, I keep zapping pets I like. Blue Shoyru to Ice Shoyru. Yellow Ruki to Shadow Ruki. Blue Kau to... Blue Usul. :crying: But I'm hopeful on that one!

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Collecting avatars is awesome and is very addicting.

But it can be pricey sometimes. And I am having a great amount of NP loss this month.


And yes, I have got the emote avatar. :)

You have to type the required characters. Copy and Paste won't work.


I never collect avatars for neoboards. I rarely go there.

Avatars are fun and challenging. Everyone should try it.

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You know, Neoboards can be helpful. In case of Faerie Quest, when I was not a part of TDN forums, I used the neoboards. And I have heard that some people in Neoboards help to get avatars. Don't know how though.

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For Faerie Quests, I either have my husband check for me, or I use a side account.


I could never hang around the Neoboards long enough to see if I could find anything useful on there. The people drive me absolutely crazy, when I'm there for less than a minute.

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True. The chat speak is annoying. I don't even get a word of what they are saying. I don't know why people like it so much.

I even tried to understand it. But failed miserably. And from now, I am never going to try chat speak again, seriously.

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I really want to get the Soup Faerie Avatar now. But people having only less than 3,000 can get the soup. And I have, like, around 3 mil now.

Looks like I have to create a side account, so that I can send my NPs there.

Wait, how can I send my NPs to side account? They are not allowed to have trades and shops, right?

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It's really easy. Though you might prepare your pets for it, by either taking them out of the Neolodge, if you keep them there, or not feeding them for a day or so, before you start trying for the avatar. It took me longer, because I keep mine in the Neolodge, and I forgot to take them out ahead of time.

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It's really easy. Though you might prepare your pets for it, by either taking them out of the Neolodge, if you keep them there, or not feeding them for a day or so, before you start trying for the avatar. It took me longer, because I keep mine in the Neolodge, and I forgot to take them out ahead of time.

I only keep my Pets in Neolodge when I am in a vacation or something like that. So, it won't be a problem for me. But I will keep that in mind, in case I just came back from a vacation (as I am going to one).

Thanks for the information anyways. It looks like you are really experienced in case of avatars. If I have a question about avatars, I would absolutely ask you. :)

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I try to know what's going on with them. I used to go over the avatar checklist, reading all the solutions, trying to figure out which ones I could easily get, what I could work on, and things like that.

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I might try to get that one, just not now. I will do it when my next pet comes out of the neolodge. Does the Soup Faerie feed both of your pets, or just one?

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She feeds each pet, either once, or until they're full. I'm not sure. My pets were full most of the time, and I didn't have the patience to let them get hungry enough to eat more than once.

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Ahhhh....Thanks! I think I will do that soon. And by the way, the object I needed for Illusen's Quest was only 190 np!!! HAHAHA! Yayyy! Now I am onto Quest 6! :laughingsmiley:

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