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Giovanni Gale

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Well actually can't be painted. You have to buy them via trade, auctions, from a newbies shop, or in the prize shop. And yes I think so although TNT hasn't openly said that it's a tradition.

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I hadn't noticed that until today, when I was looking at them, then saw each color had been given out in different years. That's when I realized you most likely couldn't paint them. I will have to keep that in mind.

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I hope they give out plushie yooyus one year. Tha would be amazing. xD




This year i'm going to try to top my record from last year and hit rank 18 and score atleast 20k points with Layton Vickels and 50 with Tormo. 0 with Shaye if i'm lucky.


Please excuse the DC talk.

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I'm at a total loss with the whole AC thing. I have no idea how any of it works. I guess I'd better do some reading up on it. I think I'm going to join Maraqua. That's all I know.


And a Plushie Yooyu would be awesome. I would love to have one of those. As well as a Faerie one.

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Yeah, you are right. A plushie would be amazing. If only they give one. And don't worry, even I am not much into this Altador Cup stuff. But I love it anyway. It's entertaining. :yes:

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This is totally a guess, but I think soon (possibly even this year) they might give out a Faerie Yooyu, since there are Faerie Yooyu items, as well as Faerie Yooyu's featured in games. But then again, in Crisis Courier, it features a Mutant Yooyu too, doesn't it?

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Yeah you are right. I searched at the Jellyneo. I found some items like Faerie Yooyu Plushie (50k), Fire Yooyu Flower (175k), Rag Doll Yooyu Plushie, Snow Yooyu Plushie (I am surprised ... its only 450 NP), Snow Yooyu Flower (70k) and many more random stuffs.

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I really want to get my husband a Darigan Yooyu, but since you can't paint them, you have to buy one. And they're running around 5.5 million. That's my whole bank account right now.

lol. 5.5 million? I didn't know that.


These Plushies are so expensive. They are beyond my reach. And I have been suffering from NP loss this month. My Stock Market's Portfolio has dropped unexpectedly down. Whenever I look at the plushies, My stomach does flip-flops.

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My stock is way down. I've been selling what's been in the positive, and not buying new (In order to reach my goal of 5 million) and right now, I have 105k put into stock. It's worth 70k right now. So it's down 35k. One of them is actually down 55%.

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Same with me. One of my stock is 40% down and the others are worse than this. I don't even want to look at them. My stocks rarely rise up. Looks like I have to wait a little bit more. I am having 3.2 mil in my bank now. I have to earn 2 mil more. But I am too lazy for games right now. *sigh*


And, hey Spritzie, you got the Number Six Avatar. That's awesome! Congrats! :)

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Thank you. I got the Number Six avatar yesterday, when it was around 5.5 million. Today it's up to over 8 million.


I haven't been in a big game mood yesterday, or today. Partly because I went crazy to get 5 million by the end of April, and it took me 2 weeks to get 2 million. And partly because my favorite games, that I always get 1k playing, got the ratio messed with, and it takes much longer to get it. Or I can't get it. Like Freaky Factory, went from needing 257 for 1k, to 1150, which is only 100 below the avatar score.

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I totally agree with you. Its so tricky when the ratio gets messed up. I didnt play anything today (except for the featured one in which I barely got 5k) and I am not planning to. I am just waiting for the Altador Cup. That can only keep me busy now.

It's 1:00 am over here. I am off to sleep, otherwise my mom's gonna explode.

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Thank you. I got the Number Six avatar yesterday, when it was around 5.5 million. Today it's up to over 8 million.


I haven't been in a big game mood yesterday, or today. Partly because I went crazy to get 5 million by the end of April, and it took me 2 weeks to get 2 million. And partly because my favorite games, that I always get 1k playing, got the ratio messed with, and it takes much longer to get it. Or I can't get it. Like Freaky Factory, went from needing 257 for 1k, to 1150, which is only 100 below the avatar score.

How do you get the number six avi?

Hm... i'll look it up on the database.

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How do you get the number six avi?

Hm... i'll look it up on the database.


You have the exact amount of NP out of what asparagus should cost a Kilogram. (Which is listed on Neo's About Us page.) Then you visit the About Us page. Yesterday, it was at about 5.5 million. Today it's over 8 million.

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You have the exact amount of NP out of what asparagus should cost a Kilogram. (Which is listed on Neo's About Us page.) Then you visit the About Us page. Yesterday, it was at about 5.5 million. Today it's over 8 million.

Oh, okay!


That might take me a while to get.

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I never aimed for it. I actually never checked, because I didn't know about it, until I saw it on the avatar checklist. But Irishliz mentioned it was at 6 million. And I thought... you know.. I'm only a couple million from that... I'll check when I get to 5m. And I checked yesterday, and I just had to play a few of my daily games to get the amount I needed, so I went for it.

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I believe it changes daily... but I'm not absolutely sure. It took me like, 3 hours to get the NP together for it from when I first saw it. And it didn't change, even when I got off work, 7 hours later.

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Ahhhh...Now I see. Did you see the new thread about pets in the pounds? I was just thinking, it is kind of weird seeing such good pets in the pound because: why would ANYBODY pound them? Why spend a fortune on getting a super good pet and then pound it? WHY???? :worried:

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I was really curious about the Robot Gelert. But I have seen people say they adopt pets from the pound, and zap them with the lab ray, then when it's a cool color, they put them back in the Pound, so they're more likely to get adopted.

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