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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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See... that's what you get for not sleeping in the middle of the night. If you were sleeping, you wouldn't be thinking about it. :laughingsmiley:


In the middle of the night, I panic about what time it is, to see how much longer I have to sleep before my alarm goes off for work.

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Yay! I can't wait until the lending next month. I couldn't stay on the chain for this month, because I was away from the internet past the response date, but next month, I'll be able to join multiples. And next month is 8yrs on Neo for me, so I'll have 5 transfers next month. :D

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Hahaha! Funny! I only have 1 transfer, and I will have so for the next 19 months, but I still cant wait for next months lendings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laughingsmiley: :laughingsmiley: :laughingsmiley: :laughingsmiley:

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I know what you mean. I was really bummed originally, before I heard of Pet Lending. I knew I'd never get a Krawk, or a Draik, to get the avatars. Same with a lot of the petpets ones. But now I'm able to get ones that it would have been very unlikely for me to get otherwise.


Have you already picked a chain for May? Which one are you going for?

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I am getting the Pink and Huggy avvies in May. And sorry to change the subject again but, you know the AC Scavenger Hunt thingy? I cant find the two pieces that are supposed to be located on the games pages. Where did you find them?

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I think it's glitching for some people. I had no trouble finding them, they were in plain sight. But a few people have been posting saying they couldn't find them. I'd either send in a bug report, or give it a little bit, to see if they fix it.


I'm on this list for:

Draik + Harris

Werelupe + Mazzew

Island Quiggle + Gruslen

Orange Grundo + Slorg

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