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Giovanni Gale

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xD Those are great.


We had a chance to come up with another name for our civics class other than Civics and Economics, and my idea was Our Magnificent Federal Government. Think about it :P

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xD Those are great.


We had a chance to come up with another name for our civics class other than Civics and Economics, and my idea was Our Magnificent Federal Government. Think about it :P


It's so funny because my Gov teacher never fails to remind us that our government is 'f-ed' up (he says the 'f' stands for federalism xD) but then he iterates that really, our government is quite amazing, as it was essentially built on trust and reliance.

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Our government is quite amazing. In the form of anything but lectures. x_x My AP US Gov class is an Early Bird (meaning it's an hour before school really starts, so 7:30), and all we ever get are lectures. When no one's awake. It doesn't work out too well.


Our APUSH teacher is wonderawful!


Wonderawful (adj.) - One of those things to which it is impossible to take a neutral liking; loved by some and hated by others.

Granger's Dictionary

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Very prestigious. :business: And because of your commendation in

, I can bump you up to the top of the list. ;)


Hahahah your room (well, Laura's room) is just as messy as mine :D people always complain when they see my room, don't you have that too? :P


Have you ever watched the O.C.? You kinda remind me of the 'Anna' character, only less makeup. (sorry if this is an insult ;p).



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Haha, mine is usually worse. :P And only my mom, because nobody else ever really sees my room. My mom dislikes people coming over.


No I have not. Describe this 'Anna' character to me.


Oh, and P.S. I usually have much more eye makeup on. That was just the middle of the night, so what's the point of having it all on?

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Haha, mine is usually worse. :P And only my mom, because nobody else ever really sees my room. My mom dislikes people coming over.


No I have not. Describe this 'Anna' character to me.


Oh, and P.S. I usually have much more eye makeup on. That was just the middle of the night, so what's the point of having it all on?


Hahah oh, yeah well me neither but my boyfriend and my mom always complain about the mess in my room. Leave me alone, it's MY room ;p I just come there to sleep and change my clothes hahah.


Hrm well maybe not so much in how you act than how you look *googles picture*




Hrm well maybe not a lot.. but you reminded me of her. (though that might not be the prettiest picture. Well in any case I don't mean it as a bad thing hahah).

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I got Windows 7. It's just as good as everyone says it is.


Oh, and we're at 2012-THE END OF THE WORLD!(?)


Oooo speaking of 2012! Now that was an awesome movie. Definitely my favorite ever.


I never have anyone at my house. I'm a hermit :P


It's sad... we've been in our apartment since June. No one has ever been over since we moved in. My parents were there the first couple nights, to move in furniture, then my dad came a couple months ago, to move in our new couches. Other than that... no one has been in our place.

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Hahah oh, yeah well me neither but my boyfriend and my mom always complain about the mess in my room. Leave me alone, it's MY room ;p I just come there to sleep and change my clothes hahah.


Hrm well maybe not so much in how you act than how you look *googles picture*




Hrm well maybe not a lot.. but you reminded me of her. (though that might not be the prettiest picture. Well in any case I don't mean it as a bad thing hahah).


Hm, well that thanks, I suppose. :P


Psh, she doesn't wear that much eye makeup.

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No usually she wears more ;p and in the show you can actually SEE the makeup on her face (like powder and stuff). ;p


Lalala... my Chemistry homework is impossible once again.

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Yes I have windows 7 and it very good Iam still tring too fiure out how too set things on it but its fastic I like the new windows 7


I heard Windows 7 is amazing. I've seen it a little bit, but haven't gotten to mess with it much. When I get my laptop soon, it's going to have Windows 7. I can't wait.

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