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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Okay. It's not that bad, actually.


So one of the juniors in my German class whom I'm friends with held this conversation with me. The guy I like came in towards the end. (1=first junior 2=2nd junior L=me)


1: I like your shirt

L: What?

1: I said I like your shirt.

L: Oh, thanks. ^_^

2: What'd he say?

L: That he likes my shirt.

1: No, I said that I liked her [insert filtered word here]. Geez, clean your ears.

L: That's not the first time I've heard that. @_@

2: I think he's hitting on you... again.


It was funnier since my shirt was a little low cut.



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You know, it used to be that curvier girls were the gorgeous, sought after ones. *sigh* What happened?


I mean, it's good for me, I guess. I'm considered skinny by most people, except not as much as I used to be. I'm a little more curvy than I used to. But still...



That's not what I really meant. I meant kinda like average, because it shows that the person at least tries to stay healthy (through exercise I hope).

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We know what you meant, Will. We were just commenting on how quickly society changes its views on "beauty".


(Did I just refer to Laura as "we"? Man, this whole conspiring thing is getting confusing.)

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Uh-huh Will, you just keep trying to save yourself. But word is out and we all know of your shallow ways! :O


I'm trying really hard not to laugh at that. (I am not referring to the invisible text.)

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