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Giovanni Gale

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*slaps* There. I fixed it.


I just ate a chocolate-y brownie... drenched in chocolate. :D





*gasp* I just remembered! I have brownies to be eaten! Yay for brownies!


Oh come on! I'm already hungry... you two aren't helping. I'm 10 hours into my 12 hour work shift and all I've had all day was cereal and Starbucks.

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Aww, I'm sorry Spritzie. *offers virtual brownie*


Would you mind if I asked where you work 12 hour shifts?


Mmmm chocolate.


I work for a computer company... monitoring the backups. All kinds of fun stuff there.

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I grew up around computers. My dad has worked in the computer industry for over 30 years. We always had a family computer, then by middle school, I had my own. So I've always been good with them. Not that that saves me from the frustration they give a good amount of the time.

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I miss my computer at home. I haven't used it in ages. It's not on the net until we get a wireless router, so when I need to get on a computer at home, I use my husband's laptop. That thing is no fun. It has Vista. Except my work computer has Vista, but it works better.

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I tried Vista for awhile on my desktop at home. It was when it was brand new. My MSN didn't work with it, my wireless software didn't work> Each time I started up Windows, I had to close 3 to 4 errors. I had enough of that, so I reformatted and went back to XP. I love Vista at work... except I need more RAM because it runs everything too slow. I'm going to be getting a personal laptop soon, and that will have Windows 7. I'm really excited about that.

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I wish that I could use Windows 7 too. I can't even use Norton Antivirus and such cuz "My 2004 laptop doesn't support it". Bite me please <_<.

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My husbands laptop CAME with Vista, and it doesn't even run well. It has tons of issues. A guy at the computer store showed me a few of the features of Windows 7 and I was sold. It has some really awesome features that I know would be perfect for me. I can't wait to get it. Unfortunately... bills... rent... etc. come first.

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I admit, my husband abuses his. Now, he never shuts it down, he puts it in sleep... or leaves it on, plugged in all the time. I know he's hard on computers. (Which is why I tried to get him to be easy on mine, while his was broken.) He even kills computers made to be extreme gaming computers. (Another reason I was concerned when he started attempting to play games on my computer.)



But the computer I'm on now at work, was put out with Vista on it. I don't have any issues at all, except that it's slow due to lack of RAM.

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Vista works well for people if they don't do much with their computers. Otherwise it's frustrating! I can't use my mom's computer cause it has Vista. *shiver*

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I used to be on my computer all the time.... but it's true... I don't do much. I get online... talk on messenger... that's about all I ever did. I used it for the Net, and keeping massive amounts of files/pictures on it. I suppose that's probably why I rarely have problems. When I have the most problems at work, it's when I'm using the software and programs required for my job.


EDIT: The laptop I'm looking at, is a HP. It has 8GB of RAM. The one a model under it, has like, 4GB. I would never need either... but for a tiny bit more, I could get the one with the 8GB. So that will be the one I end up getting.

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I use my laptop mainly for FB, neopets and TDN. Maybe surf for pictures and such but I never download anything in fear of lagging.


WOW 8 gigs, you must be kidding me O.O.

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Yeah... 8 GB! I was surprised. Even my husband was. He used to be a huge gamer, and he says right now... there's no games out, that would even require that much RAM. He wants one too. I wouldn't use it for gaming... I'd do the usual... Neopets, email, maybe some IM. Keep all my pictures on it. That's about it. I'm sure he'd start gaming like crazy again.

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