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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Gotcha. *nods dutifully* For our insanity. :)



That quote box changes color when inside another quote box.


I wonder how many times it changes color for each quote-within-quote box...?

It can change three times, I believe.
As shown in this demonstration.
But here's a fourth layer to test.
And a fifth for good measure.
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Haha this forum is cool, but I'm starting to miss the old layout. It seemed cooler and sleeker and less bubbly then.


I just liked the color scheme better.

I think we're supposed to be able to change that later, so I guess it might not be too bad.

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I actually agree. I like the color scheme of this one, but I liked the color scheme of the old one too. I also preferred the old spoilers. They didn't interrupt the flow of your post as much. =\


But I mean, this one is cool too. Once I get used to it, I'm sure I'll be alright. I just... I feel like I'm in an apartment as opposed to my home TDNF.

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Yeah, I agree with the home analogy.

But I personally like the spoilers. It's just nicer for me to be able to click and see it and not have to highlight it. Highlighting things can get bothersome sometimes.

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I dunno. When I was telling Laura that I didn't want to say "pie" because some people (whose posts I currently can't see) would carry on about the "co sign of pie" (which should be the "cosine of pi" which is -1) I was expecting it to be a single line, but the spoilers broke it up to 8 or so lines. That bothered me.

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Yeah I understand what you mean.

But maybe you could do something like this?

^Text there :D


But as for what you were talking to Laura about, to reuse an old diagram:


O <---head



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Heh, yeah, I've noticed :P


And I'm glad you like my idea ^_^. You can send hidden messages with it too.

You'd be like a ninja :shiftyeyes_anim:


Edit: No, I didn't break a rule.

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Yay for not breaking rules!

But I knew you didn't break one. Someone might think you did though.

Did you highlight my previous post?

It might end up being a good idea to just highlight everything. :P

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Well the cat that definitely wasn't linked to looked adorable. =3


EDIT: It's 11, and I'm already fading out. I think I'm gonna go to sleep now, before my sleep deprivation becomes equivalent to a blood-alcohol level of .05%. By the way, I'm gonna cherish that piece of information forever. :P

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