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I know you better than that, Laura. I wouldn't get you in trouble. :D *puts medical tape on report-button-happy finger* See?


I just have to wonder how many viruses are on my graandparents computer and my laptop now, after seeing Ruto's post. xD


Thing is though, I have no idea how to stop viruses or protect against them. o.o


And I blame the image battle thread for any viruses I obtain. I don't really surf the web unless for that. xD


Hello, weird people. :D


So yesterday my dad looked at our server...it had 14 Trojans on it. And it's all screwy now. So my dad's rebuilding the whole thing. Which is taking forever. And we have no Internet, so I'm using his iPhone right now. Until the server gets fixed, I'll probably only be here 30 minutes a day.


I see the forums finally got upgraded. :D wish I could see it on an actual computer, though.



This is the post, Myles :)


It was on the last page.


SS, if you're going to blame it, then you should just refrain from using it.


I pobably should rr just get all the pics from my photobucket account. xD


How do you get 14 trojans though? My aunt got just ONE and it totally wrecked her computer. o.o


I'm not even sure what a trojan is. To borrow Will's diagram again:

<---- words

O <---- my head


RIG, care to pop out of nowhere and explain stuff with diagrams again?


Trojans are seriously BAD kind of virus, but it can vary, in intensity, and what it affects, I believe. So that's probably how she could have 14 and still be okay that time. And maybe it wasn't okay, but perhaps it had affected an area in which they didn't use, so they didn't encounter the problem.


Plus, the virus software you have changes the outcome as well.


Oh. That's... bad. o_O (I'm imagining tiny wooden horses attacking a laptop. It's quite an amusing image, actually. :P )


Ohh. I can't drink coffee. It's not that I don't like it; it's more that it doesn't like me. At all. <_< I get sick fast.


I must declare that to be very odd logic.


Also, I saw your picture of you! I got your face right in my mind. :D I has a picture of me now too. ^_^




Haha, I don't look like that anymore. I got my hair cut even shorter. I just loved that picture, because I love Sham WOW.


Ah, but I already knew what you look like. We need to get Myles to put up his picture. XD The one I'm thinking of is hysterical.


Ah heck no. I'm NOT drawing applesauce. <_<


Alright then.


I just didn't want to say


because there are some who would go all spastic over the

co sign of pie

. Which isn't even proper anyway!


It does. :yes: And now I'm going on to my third cup of




But I have to


first. Except I don't want to

get up

because it's much more fun to

put spoilers in my post



Okay I'm




No seriously, that was the last one.


Hehehehe! *giggles*


I'm really not sure why that amused me. :P



Wait, yes I am. Because I need sleep. But I'm not gonna get it.

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