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So how'd I do, Laura? :D Forgetting that you've ever seen the pictures on my profile, what would I look like in your mind?

So how'd I do, Laura? :D Forgetting that you've ever seen the pictures on my profile, what would I look like in your mind?



Close. The height was to a T. My hair isn't quite to my shoulders. It's brown though. Light brown. I wear it in a ponytail sometimes. But with the hair length I currently have, it's difficult. And my eyes are green. ;)



Before I saw your pictures, I imagined a girl slightly taller than average with long, straight brown hair. Not too dark, but not really light either. Glasses, and topaz-y eyes. But that's probably due to the avatar you had for a while (the library faerie. XD) I'm bad at imagining people.


You weren't too far off! You got the long straight brown hair and glasses at least. =] My height is the exact opposite though. I'm shorter than average. (Yay for short-ness!) Having topaz-y eyes would be awesome, but as it stands, they're blue. ^_^


EDIT: I just found one of my mini-poems from last year. I wrote it at 2AM when I was still up doing homework.


...I'm all alone and half asleep

Darn these hours they make me keep

I work all night; I'm dazed all day

And slowly start to slip away...


Nice poem :yes:

I think though, if that's how you're feeling, it's probably best to get to a point where you stop caring about some of the stuff. I mean, I usually don't do half my homework, and I usually manage to get a comfortable A in my classes.


So I wonder, how do you guys picture me?


It was last year. And I can't stop caring about stuff. I'm not designed that way. x_x


Hm... I definitely don't picture you as Chinese. :P Let's see, in my mind, you're... on the tall and thin side of average, but just barely, with brown hair and brown eyes, and kind of cute. ^_^


EDIT: Laura. Your former ego is watching us. 0_0 *points at Google listed at the bottom*


Yeah, here I have pictures now. :D


Kay I thought your hair was a mix between this and this and the color of the first one.

Uh, I dunno about you, but that second link led me to somewhere I don't think it was supposed to o_O

So I removed it from the quote, but you might want to double check it.


Hm, so should I post a picture of myself and ruin the picture of me you guys all have in your heads?


Bah What? Stupid link led me to google. <_<

Well I meant in your post. I edited the link on my post.


Okay, lemme just find a good picture of myself first.


I hardly ever like pictures of myself.


Edit: Bah! I'll have to do it tomorrow. Parents are yelling at me <_<


Hello, weird people. :D


So yesterday my dad looked at our server...it had 14 Trojans on it. And it's all screwy now. So my dad's rebuilding the whole thing. Which is taking forever. And we have no Internet, so I'm using his iPhone right now. Until the server gets fixed, I'll probably only be here 30 minutes a day.


I see the forums finally got upgraded. :D wish I could see it on an actual computer, though.


It looks luffly, Morgan. When you see it on an actual computer, you'll be like "Ooh! It's luffly!" :P


We shall miss you until you get back! I promise to guard your store of cheese. I shall guard it with all my Livvy-does-not-wish-to-get-thwacked instincts. *nods dutifully*


-Headdesk- Apparently I accidentally got marked as a spammer and that's why I haven't been able to post since the forums came back up. It's fixed now though, and while my heat-flash is still here, i'm out of break down mode and have almost recovered from the shock of not being able to post ANYWHERE on TDN. D:


Don't worry, it's ok now Ryan. -pats back- Things are back to normal, you even got the Page PWN.


Alright. It's all deleted. I wonder what was up with it...


I think I know what happened even though I didn't see it.


sometimes people running websites who don't want people linking their images (takes up bandwith) will make any image hyper-linked to somebody be forwarded to a horrible replacement image.

You wouldn't notice it because the file was already in your browsing history, not needing to be re-downloaded, & have the new image pop up.


I'm so happy we can put pictures up again and Ian came up with a great solution for it. ^^


And wait, what? What'd I miss? o.o




o_0 That must've been pretty stressful, SS. I would've had a huge breakdown if that had happened to me.


Really? That's horrible! People could potentially get into so much trouble with that! :O

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