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Giovanni Gale

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Meh. Oh well. I tend to make friends who understand computers. So I'm used to being slightly lost. :P


Alright, talk to ya tomorrow, Revenge!


EDIT: Mrrf. This headache is really bugging me. I think I'm gonna go for a while. Or lurk or something.

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1) Headaches suck. <_<


2) I'll try to answer any computer questions fielded, but I'll probably confuse everybody. :P

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:laughingsmiley: Best. Diagram. Ever! :laughingsmiley:


Maybe we should explain computer stuff in terms of diagrams like that?

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Well, presently the discussion is concerning storage space on a computer. I'm not sure how to put that in diagram form, but think of cramming stuff into a box. :P

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Okay! I have great experience with cramming stuff into boxes. :graduated:


But now I want a diagram for it. *thinks*



|ff...stuff...| <------- Diagram of storage space



Eh, it's a little rough. :P

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Well, that pretty much explains it. :P There's a limit to how much can be crammed into said box, and the discussion is concerning something that exceeds that limit.


I have no idea what that something is though...

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So GB represents the size of the stuff being crammed into said box, or how much space is in said box?


And it's a music video. I picked that much up.


Actually, you'd probably be pretty amused by one of Laura's posts on the previous page.

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I did read that page, and yes, I found that amusing. :P I didn't quite catch on to the music video thing though...


And you're pretty much right about GB, although I'm going to be all technical here and recommend the use of GiB to avoid confusion. My diagram-augmented explanation follows.


Computers store information in terms of 0 and 1. So an individual 0 or 1 is known as a bit.


* <----- bit


A sequence of 0s and 1s can be used to express information. For example, a single character (like a or 1) is usually represented by a series of 8 bits. This is known as a byte.


******** <----- byte


Why 8? Because computers think in powers of 2 (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, etc.) - their number system only has the two digits 0 and 1 after all.


Now, most chunks of information we store on computers are a lot larger than 1 byte. So we use the prefixes conveniently provided by our standard units system to describe larger quantities of information. For example, a kilobyte (kB) is 1000 bytes.


******** X1,000 <----- kilobyte (kB)


There's a 'but' here: remember that computers think in powers of 2. 1000 is not a power of 2! So computers don't actually use kilobytes. The closest thing to a kilobyte that a computer will use is a chunk of 1,024 bytes (2^10 bytes) - this is known as a kibibyte (KiB). Well technically it's a kilobinary byte, but that's typing out way too many bytes. :P


******** X1,024 <----- kibibyte (KiB)


And from there, it just goes up the scale. A megabyte (MB) is 1,000,000 bytes (or 1,000 kilobytes). A mebibyte (MiB) is 1,048,576 bytes (2^20 bytes, or 1,024 kibibytes).


******** X1,000,000 <----- megabyte (MB)

******** X1,048,576 <----- mebibyte (MiB)


A gigabyte (GB) is 1,000,000,000 bytes (or 1,000 megabytes). A gibibyte (GiB) is 1,073,741,824 bytes (2^30 bytes, or 1,024 mebibytes).


******** X1,000,000,000 <----- gigabyte (GB)

******** X1,073,741,824 <----- gibibyte (GiB)


And so on, and so forth.


Practically, the difference between kB & KiB, MB & MiB, or GB & GiB isn't large enough to worry about. But there's really no reason to use kB, MB or GB, so it's generally best to stick with the technically correct KiB, MiB and GiB to avoid confusion.

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Congratulations on point five FM-ness Kat! :P


The following link is to an alternative explanation of storage unit sizes:


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Yeah, I like romance on occasions, like relationships mixed in with action and humor, but not romance all the time.


Go to sleep, livvy! Because it's only 3 AM here and I'm going to bed. @_@

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xkcd has brought me one step closer to completing my meaningless little existence. :yes:


This is my personal favourite.


And Livvy: sleep. :angry: *unchains*

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xD I have to do that someday.


I actually have an RSS feed of all my favourite xkcds somewhere... *starts digging*


Edit: Ninja-ed. Good night! :)

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I go to sleep and I find out that you posted more than 10 pages XD.


Congrats Revenge on reaching FM-dom, I wish I was there though XD.

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300 posts or so isn't that far CC. ;) Just post when you have something to say, and you'll get there in no time.


And here's another favourite xkcd of mine (mild language warning).

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