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Theatre? I love theatre! I'm not exceptionally good at it, but I thoroughly enjoy it. Our school director is quite a character. :P


I enjoy math as well. I guess you could call me a nerd. Unfortunately that nerdiness is what has severely impaired my ability to sleep.


You do? :D I'm a theatre junkie, it's what I wanna do with the rest of my life. I was sooo excited this summer, because last semester I wrote a play for a playwriting class and over the summer one of my professors asked if he could direct it this spring! :) Do you have a favorite playwright or play?


*gasp* That's awesome! :thumbsup: I hope it goes well!


I don't really have a favorite play or playwright yet. But I do know that I do not like Shakespeare. Not that he wasn't a great playwright or anything - he has very clever puns and interesting plots - but he's so... long...winded... x_x and if you understand the language, which I do, awfully perverted.


Haha yeah, I definitely think Shakespeare is overrated. His language is beautiful at times, but it's really difficult to stage, and it's almost never staged well, so it just ends up being boring for the audience and a HUGE pain for the actors and director.


Incidentally, we're doing a Shakespeare next semester first thing, haha. Cymbeline. It's super convoluted, but I love my professor and he rearranged it to make it way more understandable. I think it'll be a good show, hopefully... we'll see how it goes. I don't have a big part, I'm just an extra. I have... 3 lines I think, but I get to do a lot of stage combat! I'm a "Celtic Warrior Woman," haha, and word is I'll get to use an axe and wear fur and blue paint. I'm excited :yes:


Axe, fur, and blue paint. Any time those three come together, that's gotta be a fun time. :P


We're currently doing Much Ado About Nothing in "No Fear Shakespeare". It's not terribly interesting, but... *shrug* I'm the Sexton/secretary-type person, and the smartest one there in my particular scene. A few years ago, before I joined drama, we did Midsummer Nights Dream, retro style, with clothing and music from the 60's.


EDIT: Apparently I've hit my "it's really late and I should be asleep but I'm not" hyperness spurt.


Ha yeah I know what you mean... I have to work tomorrow exactly 12 hours from now, so I figure I've still got at least 4 hours to be awake. :P Midsummer Night's is actually my least favorite play by Shakespeare that I've read... Much Ado is ok. I've only done three full length Shakespeares before this coming one. I did Romeo and Juliet three years ago, in which I was a chorus member and understudy to Juliet (so I memorized all her lines, though I don't think I remember them all now), then I did Love's Labours Lost, which is a weird one cause it's totally a comedy until the last scene which is super depressing. I was Jaquenetta in that one, and then the year after that I was Bianca in Taming of the Shrew. So I haven't really had any big parts that I was actually performing for haha.


Small parts are okay. Especially in Shakespearean plays, where most of the comedy comes from the smaller characters and most of the convoluted drama from the major. And you don't have to memorize long monologues of Shakespearean speech where you're not really sure what you're saying. With small roles, you only have to memorize snippets of Shakespearean speech where you're not really sure what you're saying. :P


I'm not a very good actor. I'll read the lines, but don't expect me to act like another person. :P


I'm involved in my school's theater department, but I don't really act, I do background stuff, like building the set and doing the lights and sound. It's more fun and less work that way in my opinion.

Aww, he hasn't? :( I'm sorry to lose him. Who's gonna take care of young AA and the muffin now? (If you still remember that.) I noticed in the posts I reread that something seemed to be wrong... I hope he's alright.


There were things wrong. But he and I talked. And I straightened it out. But I'm not sure how it is now, since we haven't talked in a while. :(


Anyway, back from Indiana. Just had a driving lesson. Went on the interstate. Didn't kill anyone. AND OMGTHEATRE! :woot:


Driving on the interstate makes me nervous as he---crap. There's always semis coming down the lane I want to merge into. D:


I've already run off the road. Into a fence. :D




I think i'm about to Page PWN but i'm really not sure. o.o



Edit: OMG I WAS RIGHT! I shall use these powers for good and not evil!


Why would you use those powers for good? Evil is more fun.

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