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Giovanni Gale

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And I just have to post 397 more times which will be 396 after this post and I am sure that I can see your head asploding now *wears nerdy glasses* :nerd: .


Who is wearing glasses right now? *raises hand* I always wear them b) .

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I NEED glasses. I do not have glasses, because they do not make the glasses I need.


Glasses that are dark inside and darker outside. :/ With blue tinting. Because otherwise, I see noise on my paper.

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I have glasses. Like, really thick ones. And my eyesight continues to deteriorate since I have a habit of reading things up close. :P

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I'm not sure what number you're referring to CC...


And yeah, dirty glasses are annoying. :yes:

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My glasses get dirty very quickly, and I could get them clean. I finally found a cloth that works, though, so now I don't mind wearing them as much.


My eyes are both the same. I think they're -4.75.

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I'm not sure what number you're referring to CC...


Lolz :P, sorry, I meant that my number is -6 for both of my eyes. I may try changing to contact lens though. I have been wearing them since grade 3 and I have changed my glasses soo many times ;)


I got a free sample from the shop. Just testing it to see if I will have sensitive eyes or somethimg.

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I got contacts since 3 years or something ago. I never wanted glasses though, so it's either contacts or nothing. My sight is not too bad however... Just -1 on the one eye and -1.75 on the other.

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