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Thanks Will. I'm gonna get a dArt account once I get used to my tablet and have made enough quality stuff. I can finally get some ideas out of my head and in... somewhere else.


Who said I was controlling the pandas?

You do and I'll find you. Seriously. And you'll develop an intense fear of pandas. Don't think about it. :mellow:


... Why would you do that to MEH? O:


Also, that video is uber awesome. :DDD Great show! :D




I'm sensing some real pandamonium in here.


I'm sorry. I had to. :(


If only my 12 year old brain new what the heck pandamonium was. Although I know i've heard it before. Where'd I put my dictionary? :O




Now what Morgan posted is quote-worthy. :O


Y'know, the longer I stare at that picture, the more my fear senses start tingling...


Pandamonium: When Morgan was a child, she decided to do a little science experiment. She mixed together two strong (and deadly) components; Ammonium, and Pandas. Thus, pandamonium was created.


(Note:The spelling was later changed to pandemonium due to imminent lawsuits by the LPAFCPF*)


*Lawyer Pandas' Association for Common Panda Folk


I have a strange carve for mango Ice cream now. The strange thing is that my 25/7 desire for eating Ice cream is not so strange = I LOVE ICE CREAM :).


I was in a local Asian market and saw beer, cow tongue, and caviar flavored ice cream o_O


Unfortunately my mom wouldn't buy them....


Caviar flavored Ice Cream is just sick. Cow tongue is even more gross.


All at the same time???? that would make me do a bit more than gag.


I think cow tongue would make me barf. :sick01:


Yeah, cow tongue's nasty like. Now if it was pig, that'd be a different story. People eat all of the pig, and it all tastes awesome. I saw smoked pig ears in the dog food aisle once and thought, "Now why is that there? I'd buy it for myself..." But I didn't. I got bacon instead. :)


Haha probably a really good choice Revenge.


I've never had cow tongue before, but it's apparently a pretty popular treat in some parts of Asia. Haven't tried pig tongue yet either. I've had roast duck tongue before though. It's not that bad.


Ahh! It's 2 AM here and I can't sleep :( *headdesk*


Well, we dont have cavier or beer here but we do have goat tongue. I hate it but my sisters do and so does many other Iranians.



About the Mango Ice cream, I just found a tub with mango pictures in the Ice cream area so the name clicked xD.


AND did you know that they sell Saffron Ice cream in Iran, it tasted like vanilla but sweeter :yes: and it is very popular there. I enjoyed it greatly and I give it a 9/10 :D.


Change of topic:


I have been searching about PSPs cuz I want to buy one and I choose a blue PSP 3000, but before I go and search for it in the shops, does anyone know it Maximum Memory capacity?


Green tea ice cream is really good :yes:


I kinda want a PSP too, but I'd only play one game: Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep.

I've heard that the PSP was kinda a crappy game system :/

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