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Europe. Austria, France, Germany, and Italy. It was fun :)

But it's good to be back.


Good to know you're good though.


Lol and I don't know who half of these people are.

Or maybe I do, and you just all changed names to confuse me :shiftyeyes_anim:


WILL!!!!! *tackles*


Ohmygosh I can't believe you're back! :D






O hai Will!


I'm Lion. I think we've met before. I hope we have...

Yeah. I just changed name.


*doesn't tackle you*


*pulls away from Morgan and Laura and brushes self off*

Haha it's great to see all of you guys too.

I missed you all as well.


Hey Rainbow DYNAMITE *coughcoughANNAcoughcough*


*tackles Will again*


Psh, run Anna! He knows your secret identity! :O


*is tackled*




Btw any particular reason I haven't seen Livvy on this board?


Livvy is out of own for a week no so she cant come much but she will come soon. Check out my set *I missed pink meepits* and by the way, I have sent TNT 5 editorials across five weeks about Maraquab mepits but they dont resond! I am gonna send then until I hear something...


Don't use the editorial CC. Use another form.


Livvy is out of town, so can't post, but she will lurk, I think.


She can lurk but not post? How does that work? D=


She's lurking as anonymous. D=


Trust me.


Although I think she has posted a couple of times since being on her trip.... :e


Aw shucks Laura, I'd use my magical healing powers, but then I'd remember I don't have them...o_O

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