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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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hey, anyone know how much $ a bunch of old national geographic magazines might be worth?


My dad actually bought 10 old National Geographic magazines not so long ago for 1 dollar NZD. :O

EDIT: Sorry if that bursts some bubbles. :(


And yay, I'm actually posting here cause Livvy and Myles are here! :D

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Alright, bye Myles! *waves*


So Livvy, I'm assuming your pretty popular. This is the second topic where I see someone scream your name as soon as you show up.

*giggles insanely* I do believe that's the first time I've been called 'popular.' :P


*ahem* Anywho. I guess you could say that.*shrug* It's mostly that I made really good friends here, and I've been away for a while. I'm not exactly popular; I'm just missed. =]


(Does that make sense? I doubt it. Ah well.)


EDIT: Hiya Stephanie! *hugs* How goes life?

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That sounds fun. Yay for avoidance! :D


Omigosh! It was so weird! I just told mum I wanted spaghetti, and then I paged down, and the conversation below was about spaghetti! o_O They're retro-stalking my thoughts... Nuuuu! *places tin foil on head* They cannot steal my thoughts now! :evo:

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I read- nothing. :P


Your thoughts are safe from me, that's for sure. ;)


*awkward hug* Life's pretty normal, I'm currently a newbie to create petpages and hopefully userlookups. I only started yesterday! xD

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Psh. Easy. Meepits.

Oh my gosh! How'd you know? :O




And I trust you with my thoughts, Stephanie. ;) You would never use them against me in a court of law on an insanity charge...

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'tis taking longer than expected. Possibly because I took up nearly a memory card and a half with pictures, and now have to go through and see which are worthy of posting. I'll keep you... posted. /bad and unintentional pun. x_x


EDIT: I am quite entertained by the... Agh, it's too many letters! TDNCFMPTF?


EDIT2: I half want to join the RP, but knowing that I'll be away for a week, and NOT knowing exactly what's going on, I don't know if I could... But if I did, I could possibly... contain? one of the nodes. Like the shadow node of Time (or of Ticking Clocks; whichever sounds more evil and shadow node-y), since that's what kept me away for so long: Too few hours in the day, and too few days in a week.


EDIT3: Ho hum. How many times shall I edit before someone posts? Hmm... I've put a few new pics up on my profile... And I just greeted a new person! So now I'm back where I belong doing what I do best! ^_^

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:O You found my RP! xD


Well, it's kind of an open thing, so feel free to wreak all your insanity on it. :yes:

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RPing... well, you just create a character and control it, interacting with other characters to carry the story forward. :yes:

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It's awesome! *dances* Welcome to the wild and wonderful world of roleplays! :D


*will be inactive for a while due to AC reporting duty*

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I hath returned! =D



Ooh, do tell. Or shall we move to the :shiftyeyes_anim: FM board?


EDIT: And yay, I'm glad my first RP post was good! *dances as well*

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