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Giovanni Gale

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There are many of them, 50.


Heh, yeah, our teacher in 4th grade forgot that he had to teach us the states, so I never really learned them.


How can she forget! It is a very important lesson cuz you live there.

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I know California, Minnesota and New York.

And Wisconsin.

And I think I know Hawaii?


And I only know the names. -.-


Wow... can't believe I haven't posted here in a DAY. I normally post every day. o_O

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Your right... I did forget it.


Maybe it's because I only know Texas for the funny accents that people have there. :laughingsmiley:

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That must mean I've only heard people from South Texas...


Well, I'm glad to hear that some Texan's don't have funny accents.

Do you have an accent, Morgan?

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Everyone has an accent. Mine's just not like the ones you hear on TV. I watch the news and I swear that reporters try to find the most redneck person to talk to.

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*thinks* Let me see... California, Texas, Wisconsin, Washington DC, Florida, Hawaii, Minnesota, Montana, Idaho, Iowa and Tennessee. All the states I can actually name off the top of my head. o.o Oh wait! VEGAS! ... I mean... Nevada! :D


I actually find country accents quite charming. Y'know, when it's not overdone. :P I do like a bit of country music. Mostly contemporary though.

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I hate country music, but my friends love it, so it's kind of hard when they turn on country music and make me dance to it.

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Aussie country music is actually quite good, IMO.


And Aussie accents are just weird on the TV, they sound like Americans putting Aussie slang into every sentence. :P

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The Philippine music scene is quite diverse, I suppose. Indie to rock to pop and all that... Then again, there are times when one band sounds too much like another and I just change the song. >_<


I still believe in the Eraserheads. :O

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I have a lot of songs in the genre emo. Funny thing is, is that the lyrics are arrogant. xDD


not those things like the girl left him BLABALBLA and i have les miserables the musical in my playlist.



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OH PAROKYA. <3 How could I forget them?! DD:


Guh, I haven't listened to anyone newer than them here. Like Cueshe. Or The Bloomfields (is that right? :laughingsmiley:). I have some Hale though (yeah, emo song :P "The Day You Said Goodbye").

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