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Giovanni Gale

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^_^ It was my first RP ever and it got some ... interesting criticism. I will continue thinking for a new idea. *starts thinking*...

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Hm, I'm not into RPing.


*will stay out of this discussion between everyone*


Laura, hungry is a good feeling. Stay like it for long enough and you might die, or you might see my point. o:

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I'm into RPing as long as it has structure. I'm currently actively involved in a roleplay on another site. Very fun. :yes:

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I dont know, the only RP I am playing is the current one and to say the truth it is a bit hard with some of the complicated posts. No offense at all AA and AA3 but all your gadgets are too complicated for my brain :D.

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Pfft, Theo makes up random contraptions as he goes along. Some the of ones he invented change function sometimes.


(Kidding, Theo. :P)


The one I'm in is free-form in a clear setting. It's basically a fantasy world with weird creatures. And I tried to make my character a reflection of myself. So I'm really enjoying it. :yes:


...I swear, it's not as kiddie-ish as I make it sound. I don't know how to explain it.

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I am the most unluckest person that you have ever met, i.e. I got 2 faerie quests with only an hour apart AT THE SAME TIME that shopping for the SDB avvy.

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*LOL* No, I meant that while I was using the shop wizard looking for the SDB junk, two faeries jumped out of no where and handed me two quests (I didnt get one for ages).

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...you forgot the stars and the planets and Jelly land...but that doesnt exect :whistle: .


Edit: Ninja-posted, Morgan you have to be a ninja.

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I know I would.


In 5 and a half years, I have never once gotten a FFQ. =/


Ha! Okay then, Morgan.


I have never ever gotten a FFQ, in my 3 1/2 years of playing. (not including my hiatuses) :(


EDIT: Changing the topic, I'm kind of scared right now, spammers have come to TDN...

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There are some people who got 3 and maybe even more FFQs. Now that is what I call LUCK.


EDIT: What do you mean that spammers have come here at TDN?

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Um... they weren't posting... but they had bad words in their display names.


About 5 had showed up before they were deleted, and I'm thinking it was Steph who deleted them.


But let's not go into that.


So... what we were talking about again?

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But I thought that you couldnt use bad names?




You are right, I just dont know what to talk about.

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It would be better if you didnt post them. I am gonna go to the beach today, I would have brought yo an avvy or two but I am going to go to the real beach :D. That was lame.

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Ha ha ha.


Wouldn't it be neat if avvys were hidden in RL beaches?


I can't go to the beach at this time of year.

Cold! Freezing cold!

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Beaches... I like the rocky ones for some reason. Exploring rock pools is fun! :)


Also, the spammer's profiles still exist because while mods like Steph can ban them, it takes admin level powers to purge them from the system.

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I like exploring rock pools too!


And... well, I don't know anything about these forums, having only worked with older versions of IPB with no users. :P

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I like beaches...but not swimming in the water. XD

Except for that one time I went to a marine reserve this year and got to snorkel there. An experience to remember... :)

But yes, it is Winter now, all damp and gloomy...


I need Anime! :O

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