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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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o_O It takes a while for me to burp.


I have successfully yanked my character out of the RP. I'ma happeh person now. :D

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:O That makes two happy people on this board! Woohoo!


So... how exactly do grapes make somebody burp? o_O

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Farting is not pleasant. x_x But some people can't help it, which is forgiveable, eventually. ;)


I guess I should kill my RP character. Too much is going on, I don't think I could ever get involved into it now...

I'm boring like that. :(

Let me join the group.

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I guess this one is moving too fast for everyone...


Hey, this one is pretty popular, and exactly what the RP forum needs, and maybe we'll get someone else post a new role-play because they see what's happening in the RP forum.

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Everyone except the ones who are really getting into it. :P

Well CC, I just don't have anything 'good' to contribute in. I see you're having fun and others as well, but I guess this might be a bit off my zone to keep up with. :)


I'm very loose on this stuff, I just go with the flow. XD

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^ Part of the reason I didn't join, because I wasn't really interested in it.


I would've ended up quitting after a couple of posts. =D

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Coincidentally, I was just pulled into an RP on another site. Supernatural/horror stuff, quite fun too. :)


I don't know of many RPs that finish within a short period of time or if they ever do. :laughingsmiley: RPs always seem to be for the long haul.

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DID YOU SAY HORROR AND SUPERNATURAL? I WANT. wait. no. thats bad xD there might be err gore/blood, things? P:


TIVSY-CHAN ^__________^ KAWAII MOE. jk


lol rps. I get bored easily with plots idk im very bad. but ill try not quitting in the rp going on now xD

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IDK really, a good friend of mine is the GM and spinning it. Seems okay so far. Only got two posts in though. :P




I like cracky RPs more than serious ones. It's like a party with all the weird superpowered OCs. 8D

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Don't worry. :3 I have no stomach for horror/supernatural stuff (other than this RP, since a friend asked me nicely). I couldn't sleep after "Saw II" and spent the next few days checking behind me every so often.



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The sun is here now, and I love it so much! :D

It has been raining and been cold for like a week now, so the sun made me happy! *here comes the sun DUMDUMDUM*

And for the manga. I recently read Doubt, a horror manga (with reminded me of Saw, you know, the strange movie). The problem was that I read it during nights and It made me so scared so I couldn't sleep xD

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I try and keep myself from drawing/writing before bed. The desire to finish consumes me and I continue doing so until... "Oh look! It's 2AM! *THUNK*"


Now with the Altador Cup, I've been writing and writing. >_< Don't ask...

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