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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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I hadn't heard about the Cup Curse before... It does make sense though, so I guess I'll go for Maraqua... but of course I'm not joining this year. :shiftyeyes_anim:

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You mean... real life?! :O It must be vanquished! Things outside of TDN must not be allowed to interfere!

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Uh... AA3, she already has joined that roleplay. Long before you did, I might add. :P

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AA:SADLY, NO its not in real life. /shotd im playing a game ;D


haha LOL im so sane in that rp i think im going to explode. THAT and it seems like i never know where i am and i always randomly appear.



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New topic: astronauts! :P What do you think of all the nifty repairs and upgrades they made to Hubble just a couple of weeks back?


Edit: Technically speaking, Morgan owns all cheese on TDN, so she can't really steal it.

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You'd better take cover, or you will soon feel the full wrath of Morgan!

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Well, different people have different tastes (no pun intended :P ). Apparently one of the astronauts actually had to use brute force to yank off a stuck railing of some sort - not your average space repair. xD

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Oh no, Morgan will pwn us all! :(

I am resigned to my fate.

*two seconds pass*


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xD Lucky for you guys Morgan is away for a bit - quick, post up so she doesn't notice this when she gets back! :P

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How are you AA?! I'm happy! That is because there is nothing odd going around here! I'm not eating cheese or anything!! :whistle:

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Riiight... very convincing.


So, who here is on holiday (or about to be)? I'm not. :P

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:O Hey guys, check out Harbinger's post count! Now there's a random topic if any. :P

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