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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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My reason for adoring &, !%< and #^ ....?


Hmmm, well, every time I used seven, it would work out for me, like if I was guessing the number, and I guessed &, I would either get it, or be the closest. And when I was younger, and the teachers gave us numbers I was ALWAYS !%. Always. And I'm not sure why #^ is my lucky number.



But I know for a fact that !%@ is NOT my lucky number.

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*makes &&& paper and crumb salads for livvy and gathers up &&& toes for myself*


Oh wait! MORGAN!


*drags Morgan under the table &&& times faster than normal and shoves &&& pieces of cheese down her throat*

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*quickly picks up the other phone and answers livvy's call, dresses in a doctor's outfit, puts a bleeping light on head, and makes 'weewoo' noises*


DOCTOR LAURA, REPORTING FOR DUTY *important-looking pose*

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Gah, the only time I post is at !) !% pm in the night, and noone's on :(


Oh, you guys got into quite a handful of posting everytime I come on.

Its school tomorrow so I guess I'll read the rest of this topic another time.

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It's Daylight Savings Time. Set yer clocks forward an hour. ;o


Quite a few people were on a few hours ago, yet no one was posting. xD Like standing in a room full of people, and no one's saying a word. xP

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Daylight Savings Time is when you change your clocks by one hour to "save daylight". I personally find it kind of stupid, but hey, we can't change stupid traditions, can we? :P Of course, we're perfectly allowed to change the nice ones, like writing letters. =\


Where do y'all live that you don't have DSL? (I envy your time consistency.)

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It keeps the run from spreading, because it kind of glues the fibers where they are. The broken ones can't go any farther than they already have. Like when you put nail polish on the end of a ribbon when it starts to fray so it doesn't get worse. ...but I suppose you wouldn't know about that either. It's a girl thing. :) But nail polish is useful for a lot of different things.
tonails that are get big cracks in them. Nailpolish hold the barts together until it grows out.




wonderful life, wonderful life.

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Well, yes, I suppose it works for that as well. It's also really good for making sure you don't bite your nails. Get a really flashy color that you'll notice as soon as it gets anywhere near your face.

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I've been like obsessively posting. I have a personal goal to be FM by Monday.


Actually, it's not such a personal goal. I have been threatened with pudding if I don't do so. :O


'yhuu7' says Hunny. :O She almost typed her name!

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Are we going to repeat last Sunday ( + whatever days I wasn't here) today? If so, I should probably start doing my homework right now.

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