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Giovanni Gale

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It started out pretty well, but then it just got... *groan* Basically when you picked it up you knew there would be some confrontation between Harry and Voldemort, Ron and Hermione were going to be arguing at some point, someone would die who really shouldn't have, Harry would do something totally idiotic and get away with it, and his scar would hurt. It got pretty dull after the third book or so.

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I thought it was good until the 5th book. After that, it just got really dry. And the ending sucks. I mean

Voldemort goes "KILLING SPELL" and Harry goes "REFLECT" and Voldemort goes *dies* and ugh, it was just really lame.

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Voldemort goes *dies*

. Nice wording there. =P


What I hated was the very ending. Did she really have to tell us that

Ron & Hermione and Harry & Ginny (respectively) got married and had kids? And what was up with naming the kid Albus Severus? Sooooooo trite. I would rather she had just let us use our imaginations for that, rather than killing the characters' futures. Ugh...

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Going on the assumption that you meant

"Harry and Hermione, not RON and Hermione" (or not Harry and Ginny),

I agree. It would have left

Ron unmarried since he can't exactly marry his own sister, but still. I think Harry and Hermione would be a better couple.



For spoilers, you go the the side bar thingy and click Insert: SPOLIER. Or just type whatever you want to type and put


around it.

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Since we're on the discussion of books, I'd like to ask if anyone here has read the Wheel of Time series? I peeked at the first book yesterday, and it looks pretty dang awesome, but I'd like to know if anyone else thinks this before I start on an eleven-book series. xD

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Haha yeah Livvy, it was a typo on my part.


Morgan, I've actually never heard of that series, and unfortunately, I'm one to judge a book by it's cover lol. It doesn't seem too appealing to me, but that's just the cover. I don't even know what it's about xD

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One of my friends said the same thing, but she loves it. She's already into the fourth book and she started about two months ago. xD


Of course, she loves any book she picks up, so I'd like a second opinion if available. xP

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I've never heard of it either...im pretty slow in getting new books...i didnt read Twilight til a couple weeks before the movie came out....should i be ashamed of that? lol


I wish I had gray eyes though. I think they'd look cool


I'd like to have violet eyes....although i think mine are pretty cool because depending on what light im in they look blue, green, or hazel

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Wheel of Time, Wheel of Time... *digs through extensive mental book list* I think my brother has read one of those books, and he seemed to quite like it. :yes: I don't have any personal opinion though (at least, none that I can remember :P ).


MoTA was down just a couple days ago. Something about an update.

I was updating the software that ran the MoTA forum. It, uh... *cough* took a tad longer than expected. :shiftyeyes_anim:


Anyway, it's all done now, so visit visit visit! xD

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My eyes are green. Occasionally they become more of a yellowish-brown, almost the color Edward and the Cullen family has.


Although, sometimes people think my eyes are blue, in certain light.

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I have brown eyes. They look black if there's not much light in the area, but yeah, they're actually brown. :yes:

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I have brown eyes!


I wish I had gray eyes though. I think they'd look cool.



Grey or Gray?

I don't know! I spell it whichever way comes out first... I'm not actually sure which one is correct for here :P.


But I do spell colour and favourite with a u. I get mad when people tell me it's wrong >.<.

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I love the "British" spelling of those words! It looks so much more... sophisticated. I use those spellings sometimes. It's kinda funny because I'll be writing about my favorite colour, and how my favourite color is blue. I switch between them randomly. :P

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I tend to use british spellings of things too.


However, the whole 'u' thing gets to my brain sometimes and starts implimenting itself into other words.


Such as above.


I instinctively spell it 'abouve' but I know that's NOT how it is spelled.

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Yeah I normally have to end up editing all of my posts after I type it (like not using the edit function, as in rereading everything and fixing all of my errors).


Sometimes, when I anticipate a word, I'll type the first letter on the word before it.

Somethingl ike this.

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Sometimes my fingers work faster than my brain. XD


Like with my screenname. I've typed it so many times that it's become automatic. Occasionally, my fingers just start typing it and have like 'starspangle' typed, and my brain will still only be on 'star' So then I have to stop and think, okay where was I?



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Sorry, can't help you there Laura.


By the way, can anyone catch me up on what's happened these past 2 weeks? It sucks having to move, then have the old modem not work. I had to order a new one, then it got lost by UPS, so I just got my brand new one today. About 3 weeks after I ordered it. Anyways, that's my problem. So what's going on?

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