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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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I can believe that more, but that's quite a variety of countries there.

I feel a bit bland now. I'm just American. At some point in my history there was some Pennsylvania Dutch (which is amazing since they developed powdered cocoa; three cheers for the Dutch!). But mostly, just American. =]


Sentimental Moment: One thing I've come to love about TDNF is that I can talk to people from all parts of the world of all ages and it's like there's no differences between us. It amazes me.


~ Livvy

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Rawr, my hip hurts. Really badly. I think I bruised the bone, but I have no idea how. Unless it happened when I collapsed... But it hurts when I walk, and I'm not looking forward to limping up the stairs in school tomorrow... *sigh*


Anywho, water is amazing! We take it for granted sometimes...


~ Livvy

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I remember this quote from somewhere, pertaining to the goodness of water:


"Oh, oh this is so good!"

"It's just water..."

"But it's CLEAN water."

"So what have you been drinking all this time?"

"Umm... the water that came from those big tanks that have the funny symbols on them... why?"

"You mean the skull and crossbones?"

"Umm yeah those ones."

"Oh dear lord."



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I don't drink bottled water or anything like that, I drink straight out of the tap. Christchurch has the best water in the world apparently ^_^. I think it has a taste! Not a taste as such, but it tastes refreshing.

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