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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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You make that sound so late... Midnight... *sigh* When was the last time I went to sleep at night?... I don't remember. I usually get to sleep very early in the day (2 AM or later). Let's see, last night I went to bed at... 1:30. Hey, that's half an hour earlier than I predicted! Yay!


~ Livvy

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Haha yeah, 12 is late for me. I was so tired today, and while I was practicing piano I almost fell asleep right on the bench! xD


Tonight, I'm shooting for 9:30. Almost done with physics...

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Good for you! I wish I could get to sleep early. I probably could if I had any focusing power. But I don't. Probably because my ADHD meds wear off... Or maybe it's just that my teachers give me so much homework to do. *shrug*


~ Livvy

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Stephanie doesn't live in the US, so she has year-round schooling, right?


Year-round schoolingers have longer breaks, but less of a summer vacation. I personally don't know which I'd prefer, but the one we have now is nice, and I don't see any need to change.


Edit: Oops I didn't see that. Guess I was wrong.

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Well, I guess you are sort of right.


A month and a half seems forever though.

I don't really mind if we had a switch. Interesting to experience your way.


We have two week intervals between 4 terms. The one in late-December lasts till Early-February.

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That sounds amazing, but I'd get pretty lonely if I couldn't talk to my school friends... so... lesser of two evils: getting sleep but not seeing friends, or socializing and being totally exhausted? Hm...


~ Livvy

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I've given up on you all. Given up! :O *throws hands up in the air*




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*begins job as a lurker*


You can't see me or hear me.


*waves hand in front of livvy's face*


Good, good, she didn't see me. Well well, I think it's time to put Plan SIACWSTIHNPOT into action...


*turns to face little imaginary hippo on my shoulder*


What's that dear friend? What's the plan stand for?


I suppose I can tell you, my sweet. You are, after all, my dearest confidant.

*evil grin* So, it stands for.... Plan Spinning In A Chair Whilst Screaming That I Have No Pants On Today.


Genius, no?

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*continues pretending to do homework while remaining blissfully unaware of Laura spinning in a chair whilst screaming that she has no pants on*


*suddenly wonders why Laura, whom she has no idea is spinning in a chair whilst screaming that she has no pants on, has an imaginary hippo on her shoulder*


*dismisses the thought and continues with homework*


~ Livvy

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*is distracted from her homework and becomes curious as to why Alice is suddenly holding an imaginary hippo and spinning in a chair that wasn't previously there, and throwing pants at nothing*


~ Livvy

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Because goodness, who would want a NORMAL DVD player these days? We have hi-tech ones! We have fancy ones! We have ones that do everything EXCEPT play DVDs! *note heavy sarcasm*


I feel your pain. It's so frustrating to not be able to find the normal things because they're pushed out by the things that serve as a billion tools in one EXCEPT what you really need it for.


~ Livvy

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