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Giovanni Gale

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You know you come here too often when you dream about TDN...

Last night I dreamt I logged in here and the layout was changed, and there was an entire section of the forums dedicated to Levy... o_O

I wonder how hard he would laugh if he came here to see this...

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Lols... An entire section dedicated to Levy?? What the heck are we supposed to say about him??


I have a scan today and had to drink 1L of water an hour before and I still feel like it is all going to come back up :(

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Don't question my dreams. They make the randomness of my conciousness look like an answer for an open-response SAT question.


When I was little(er), sometimes for fun I would drink as much as I could, then start jumping around so I could listen to the sloshing noises in my stomache. I don't do it anymore cause it makes me feel sick.

...What? Don't tell me you've never done that at least once!

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I can honestly tell you that I am almost 100% sure that I have absolutely never done that before Revenge! Although I do feel sick right now and am going to go home for the rest of the day!

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o_O Revenge...your dreams aren't strange. They're HORRIFYING.


I know I've done that at least once. xD But like Revenge said, it would probably make me sick now. T_T

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Eh. They are really random, though. I once had this recurring dream where I'd walk down this hall and at the end was a coffin that opened to have a skeleton come and scare. After a while I got annoyed and then one night at the end of the dream I didn't get scared and wake up, but just stood there, and then I yelled, "So... What?"

And then the skeleton fell apart and I never had the dream again. It was weird...

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I have a reoccurring dream where I am in a car with my family and we are running from a tornado, and we run in to a T-Rex, and then the

whole rest of the dream we just alternate back and forth running away from the T-Rex into the tornado away from the tornado into the T-Rex....

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I don't really have dreams I remember that often... I guess I don't sleep enough. :P

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We have had this conversation before, so therefore I am not going to recount my reoccuring dream which I don't have anymore!

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Wheee you guys are talking about dreams :D I remember a lot of my dreams, even ones that I've had about five years ago. (but they're vague; I don't remember the whole dream xD)

But my most recent dream was when I went in this really boring building (with some friends) with one "interesting" room. It was the food room XD

And one of my favorite dreams was when I was in this video game, and I got the ability to hover in midair for a few minutes. That dream was awesome. ^_^ I can't believe that it was from 4th grade or something O.O

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Um... eat cheetos and watch Turner & Hooch over and over again till we know every line by heart?


"This is not your room..."


Oh, I adore Turner and Hooch. Such a good movie. And cheetos aren't half bad either.



I get to dress like a guy tomorrow. I'm wearing a white button-up shirt, black pin-striped pants, a black vest, and a red tie. But tis a deep red. Tis a very deep red.


Humm dreams...I dunno. I remember one I had reoccuringly in kindergarten... but I'm not recalling it for y'all, or else I might be banned.


Tis scary that I could have had a dirty mind in kindergarten. But every time I woke up, I regreted it and prayed to God to forgive me. I was so adorable. :D

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I love extra sleep. b) Especially when it's cold outside on the weekends. That way, I can curl up in the covers and get up when I feel like it. ^_^

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Yeah, most people wake up more tired than they were when they went to bed. I just like to lie in bed until I wake up, but sometimes I just end up going back to sleep. xD

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We changed our clocks at the end of last month :) It is great having an extra hour of light in the evenings, can't wait until sunner is really here!!

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Hmm... Daylight Saving Time... I have no idea. XD We don't do that here in Malaysia, which is good for me, because it's my job to keep all clocks in the house set properly (computer clocks, wristwatches, TVs, air conditioning remotes, etc.).


But I would probably enjoy an hour of extra sleep. :P

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