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Aww...*pats Metroid & accidently crushes skull* You'll find other grubs. :D


I ate him. And now he's IN MY BELLY!

Well, actually that was years ago, so he's probably not there anymore...


Perish the thought.

(Erm, the pear... not the caterpillar. I hate typing slow.)


^^ Then why are typing slow??


When I was about 14 we planted a fruit (can't quite remember which one) at my school and called it Bob, I am pretty sure we called it Bob. I must find out if he survived and if he grew...


I'm not really typing. As I explain this for the 14,000th time (which I am okay with since it is kinda weird), I don't use a computer. My family's old one pretty much blowed up. Too poor to buy another one, yet wealthy enough to buy a Wii, I use it's internal browser (Opera) to do my internet thingies. Whenever I'm typing something, I'm really just pointing to little squares on a screen, individually clicking on each letter. It is a LOT more time consuming than having a keyboard in front of you. It's like having the keys have huge spaces in between them and only being able to use one finger. I am essentially using just one finger. So... it gets kinda annoying when talking to more than one person here.


But! If I did have a computer, I'd be speed typing! Like the Flash of typing! I'd be all like-- ZOOM! clickety-clack clack-VAROOM! I'd have this type-correcting future sight, like spidey senses only it's Typo-senses! It would be like "Revengeman! The only crime fighting superhero able to type 50,000 words per minute!" Yeah, I'd use my powers to fight crime. I'd be that awesome.





^^^ Really??? Well you should really take over my job then, since I can only type between 60-70wpm, and they like fast typers!! Hmm... and I hate typing like you do, you used have to do tha ton Ninetendo and Sega and stuff, but not long sentances or anything!


Agh. I've tried that Wii alternative. It's too slow for my patience. <_<


I think it would drive me up the wall... I also think that I would rather not use the internet and use it from at work like I do already *nods*


First, Morgan major props for the Halloween signature...

But did your SN just randomly change?

In fact did all of the staffers get new names in honor of Halloween?


Update: Never mind about the motorcycle question. I just watched to bloopers...LOL.


It's the only option for me right now. Did you know every page at TDNF has to load like seven times before I can touch anything? This is the only place that happens. And I can't change my personal statement (I've been wanting to for months). Also, I can't multitask. Which is why you, please lend money for a new computer! I need a laptop, there's no space for a desktop, and the price'll range from $2000-$4000. To make sure I don't get crap that's about the same using this except it could get viruses. Or you could just not do anything but point and laugh. That's fine too.


I wont point and laugh at you Revenge, I am too nice a person to do that...


But I do however like the statement in your siggy and think it about sums it up :yes:


Dying is only a slight complication in the procedure Laura, as Reveng will no doubt explain!


That's Mister Dr. Professor Revenge to you.


I am afraid I cannot explain. As M3l3ana suggested earlier, I'm sure Mr. Reveng would be happy to, but unfortunately I do not know him. I do find it interesting that our names are nearly identical save for the fact that mine ends in an E. I'm sure once you track down this fine fellow he'll be able to help you, though.


BLAH!!! Fine fellow my foot XD


I swear everyone picks on my spelling mistakes or typos!!!


Now, Mister Dr. Professor Revenge, are you quite done taking the micky out of me??


It's Mister Dr. Professor Revenge.


Italics matter. XD


And so the journey begins for our young adventurer, M3l3ana, as she ventures out to conquer those who tease her about her treacherous typoing.




A few things:

Aww, why'd you have to fix the typo? If you leave it the joke is much more understandable for those who read old posts. (Like me.)


Taking the mickey. I love that saying. Mostly for its meaning (it's much more fun than saying 'making fun of ___'). I can't wait to say that out loud sometime, I've just never had the opportunity.


Yes, italics do matter. They do matter. :P


Done for now, somebody say something else to provoke more randomness from me!


<_< I changed it back just for you Mister Dr. Professor Revenge. I absolutely refuse to use italics, because you are still taking the mickey out of me!!! I am glad I pleased you in someway by using a saying that you agree with or think is highly amusing!


o_O.... Akay.


I'm not trying to be mean. I never do. I just love making jokes, if it's good enough I can't resist telling someone. I also have a varied sense of humour, I do everything from cheesy gags to black comedy. Everyone has something they don't like about my jokes, as a result. Don't get upset, if there's one thing you have to know about me, and I've only said this to someone once (not enough I realize), is that you never take me seriously. Ever. Well, yeah, there are exceptions, but those are kinda easy to spot. So smile, Smile Dang It Smile.* Okay, not really, 'cause it might not be funny, but you get it. Nearly everything I do is for the sake of comedy. Did you notice my name? Yeah.


And the mickey thing is a compliment. American sayings are boring compared to UK and Australian ones.


Oh, and what seems like everyone's against your typos, that's an illusion. I've only seen AA do it, and he and I both share an affinity for correcting other people's mistakes. It's just bad timing. :thumbsup:


*Eurgh. WAY too cheesy.


Lols... OK well... For one thing I never take anything you say to heart Mister Dr. Professor Revenge, I have been on these forums long enough to know that if I did I would probably end up grumpy more often than I already am. I generally smile when I read one of your posts, because they are humerous.


My last post was mostly sarcasmn, but generally people take my sarcasmn the wrong way, maybe I need to start using more emoticons!


Other than that AA has the very annoying task of commenting on all my typos, grammatical and spelling errors, which is fine by me because I failed english and always hated the subject!!


Now have we got everything sorted, or is there something else hanging around like a bad smell??? XD

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