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Giovanni Gale

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Cooking looks kind of fun but the only dish I have cooked so far is fried rice...

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I make a mean bowl of cereal. XD


No, actually, I'm a pretty fair cook. It's just I always use recipes.....


....Or not. XD Like, we never have what I need, so I end up totally making it up as I go along. Like for honey mustard. Or Vienna sausage wrapped in mashed potatoes. XD Those are actually really good. Except I had to use polish sausage.


My mom made me make supper and told me I had to use up everything left in the fridge that could expire while we were gone. :/

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Oh, I'm terrible at making any kind of prepared food at all. I once decided to get myself some cereal. I poured some corn flakes, about a cup or so of 2% milk, dropped some sliced bananas into the mix, was all ready to chow down when I realized-- I forgot the bowl.



But seriously, I can cook a few things, all of it involves meat, though, mostly sausages. I don't eat that much anyway, but when I do it's horrible for me. Never fast food or take-out, I hate that (unless it's pizza...).

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Revenge.. Do you mind explaining how the heck anyone forgets a bowl?? o_O


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Ofcourse I knew it was a joke, I was just wondering if it were possible for anyone to actually do that!!


I HATE finance companies!!! :grrr:

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Because (ready for a long story??)....


I have had a loan through a finance company since I was 18, so three years. Final payment was due to be made about three weeks ago, so I rang a week before to make sure everything was in order and that the payment would cover the final amount etc. I was told that the final amount was $31.19 and that my usual $40.00 payment would cover it. I was also told that any money owing to me once the payment was made, would be credited to my account. My payments come out via Direct Debit, which means that unless I write to the company and alter them, I have no control and can not edit or change the payments or details. I recieved two letters from the finance company stating that my account was overdue and that I needed to make an urgent payment of $31.19. I rang the company today and got right angry about the fact that my account was still open and still had money owing on it. I demanded an explanation and got "The reason that your payment did not come out, was due to the fact that it is Direct Debited and the system did not recognise that the usual $40.00 payment was to cover the outstanding amount." I was not happy about this and told the lady on the phone that that was ridiculous and that they should either update their system or change the way it operates. She then went onto inform me that now my final amount was $34.21 and that it was due immediately. I told her I refused to pay any more than $31.19. She then went on to tell me how I could make my final payment etc and so I today made my final payment of $31.19 and sent out a very curt letter stating that this was my "full and final payment" and that any remaining amount is liable to the finance company due to them being at fault and that if the matter is not settled once my payment has cleared I shall be recovering my "full and final payment" and any costs to recover that payment, due to the finance company being at fault.


I know it is on $3.02, but it is a matter of principal and since I did nothing wrong, I do not see why I should have to pay anything extra. So yeah... Right now I am peeved at the finance company.


-rant over-

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M3l, that reminds me of the workings of this cell phone company I worked for called Cricket. All major businesses only care about two things - money, and themselves. Sorry you got done over like that.

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Ahh... But I didn't get done over. I am sending my letter out today and I will see what they say in response, hopefully they don't say anything and let the matter rest, but if they do dispute it I may have to take it further. Seems kind of silly for $3.02, but I am slightly peeved, so don't really care!!


Finance Companies, suck you in and always will.. I refuse to do any lending with any other company than a bank and will stand by that!

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Amen to that. :)


I just found out I don't have school tomorrow! Hooray! My dad's going to Conneticut for some reason and I have to go with him. The catch is we have to be there by 8:00, so I'm getting woken up at 5:00 AM! Ah, well, it'll be a Friday so I'll get to sleep as much as I want afterwards...

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I'm doing nothing.



Except drowning in the school pool. XD

Seriously, I can't freestyle swim with all the "rotary breathing" and "12 o' clock pulls."


You know how they say, "Don't put a baby on it's stomach or it'll suffocate."?


Yeah... weeeellll.... don't put Laura on her stomach in the water or SHE'LL suffocate.



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