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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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I sometime wish I was a boy!!! I mean wouldn't it be great to jump out of bed in the morning, put on a tshirt and a pair of pants and walk out the door, looking like you have been dressed for hours!

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1) ... butter? What does butter have to do with anything? And I don't think I've had ACTUAL butter in years. It's all that olive oil based nastiness for my family. Blergh. Okay dude, it's not butter, it's not even margarine. I don't know what it is.

2) Like until my acne would have naturally gone away. So from anywhere to a year to forever. :/ But most likely 4-6 years.


Okay, NOW we can change the subject. :D

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Ugh, tomorrow is PICTURE DAY. v_v

I really wish that I could fake sick tomorrow-I hate picture day. Dude, why would random strangers (aka those photographers o__o) take pictures of people they don't know as well? You could always just have someone take your picture any other day. -_-

-has a plan to stay up all night and be too tired for picture day xD-

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I'm loving that plan. XD


*official coffee mug* You joined before I instituted the official coffee mug law. You are getting one now.


Here, have some official coffee to put in that official coffee mug to keep you up all night.


*official coffee*


BAM!! Caffeine. XD

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BAM! and the dirt is gone :P


That's a TV ad in NZ, so annoying haha

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HOME FREAKING COMING.... fo shizzle.


We won last night. 10-0. But no one actually watched the football game. Well, I didn't. I was too focused on the band :*


I got my hair done and I love it. Tons of pics will be taken, so I'll show y'all later. :D

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Personally I prefer pasta with fried squid rings and cod fillets. XD Mmmm...


AaarghaarghaarghaarghIreallyreallymustreadBrisingrnownowNOW!!! *explodes*

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YAY!!! We had such a beautiful day yesterday, was just like it was summer!!!! So I sat in the sun for 3 hours and got a tan!!!! OMG!!! So happy!!!


I bet my flat mate $1, that it was going to rain today (cause thats what the weather man said) and it doesn't look like it's going to :(

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At least it was only a dollar.


I have to write a paper on the book Tithe and I can't figure out if she wants the summary to be long or just a paragraph. :/


It's due tomorrow. URGH.

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YAY!!! I win the dollar!!!! hehe it just started raining.

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