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Erm, define "possible".


And I see more and more people signing in as invisible. Why? xD


And these things just slide right through my brain, never making any mental contact, right out my other ear where it goes "splat" on the floor. No matter, for I am the shoe monger! Fear my steel-toed work boots! Or my leather thongs, if you prefer. :yes:


..I'm one of those invisible users. xD I've been that way probably like...ever since I first joined xD For reasons unknown. :P (yea, even I don't know XD)

I wonder if I should stop being invisible...yes or no?


It startles people when you are on a nice quiet board, and an invisible person jumps out and surprises you. :O


Well, at least you know they're there then. Although it would be strange when an invisible leaves. You'd have no idea, expecting a reply that never comes...

It's still up to them though.




Did I startle you Morgan??


Hmmm... I don't know why I am invisible, I like being invisible.... It's like the ivisible man hehe


Spanish? I thought you hated Spanish. Take German, es ist wunderbar!


I'm slightly fluent in Spanish. ^_^ La ropa interior de tu madre son muy grande. >=D


(Your mom's underwear is very big.)


Mis pantelones no es en la ventana. Es en la basura. xD


(My pants aren't on the window. It's in the trash.)

What about Invisible Man's arch nemesis--the tailor! Being invisible doesn't mean your clothes are! People aren't dumb! Well, some, anyway.


You could always walk around naked whilst invisible and then put on clothes when you become uninvisible. Plus I am sure there is some way of inventing invisible clothes!!


I'd rather not walk around naked while invisible...what if the invisibility wears off? Then you're stuck nude in public and you can never leave your home again. xD


No, soy un delfin.


(No, I'm a dolphin.) xD


I'm having fun too. :P


You make a good point Morgan!! Any who... Back to reality :(


Ummm... Reality Revenge! You know that world outside of the Forums and a computer, where people learn/work/eat/sleep etc.


I once tried to exterminate reality so we could live here and eat brownies and cheese all day long. My plan didn't work. :(

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