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Giovanni Gale

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Ouch Morgan!!! That must of hurt. My ex kicked my toenail off while dancing one night and that flippin hurt. It is almost back to normal now :)

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I dropped a chair on my toe. A honkin big on too. On my oinky. It's like huge vs. tiny. It was bruised for months.


When I got home from my toe surgery, my feet were still numbed, so I was like toppling over everywhere.


OOH! I remember, I think it was two weeks before the end of 8th grade, I somehow sliced the top of my pinky toe open, so I couldn't put jsut band-aids on and go on with it. Nooo... I have to use GAUZE. So, my toe looked like a marshmallow. It is still today called the marshmallow toe. And then when my two big toes had their gauze from the surgery they were the marshmallow toes, also.



XD My toes.

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Oh that must be very painful...


I once have an injury on my toe too, that was due to fungal infection and the nail just dropped off and new ones grow back but waiting for the old one to drop is a really painful process...

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I once stepped on a nail when I was little. It was hammered through a board and I was barefoot. Hurt like a mother it did, and you can't just put a band-aid on a puncture wound to make it stop hurting, so I had to deal with it. On a completely different but toe-related story, I once dreamt there was another big toe growing from inside my big toe. It was really weird, and I felt like clipping my nails afterward... :whaa:

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Hey Revenge!!! I don't think your siggy makes you look fat!! On the contary!

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Well technically, a signature is simply an image appended to your posts, not part of your actual visual portrayal, so it is impossible for a signature to make you look fat.


It can only make you look slightly overweight. :P

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Well I don't think the dragon looks fat at all - it looks very fit and very angry. XD


By the way Revenge, whatever happened to your avatar?

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Ughh-computers completely going boom is not good at all :sad01_anim:

At least my first computer (Had it for almost 5 years now-and it still works. o__o But it's so slow-and it's partially my fault. I saved a lot of picture and word document files. ) didn't go boom...yet. ;)

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I have a bing when someone shows up at my work and I am not at my desk :P Used to have a bing on the front door, but that got annoying!

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Speaking of 'b-i' words..... BILL BILL BILL BILL........... was on Jimmy Kimmel. XD And so was the rest of the group. I'm so pround my dad knows they're band name and how to spell it, and my mom knows Bill and Tom's names.

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Famous people? *thinking* No, I don't think I've ever met any famous people. :P I have no life after all.

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