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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Where did you hear that?

I thought you were going to comment on their trouble with the earthquake. That part about canibalism I would rather have not read at all. x_x

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I was not talking about cannibalism. That's for another story. I ment getting killed of in a different way, so there would be less mouths to feed many people. But if it's bothering you, we could stop. I didn't mean anything like that.

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Ohh come on Levy, you can't tell me you didn't know that?? Everyone knows that there is parts in China where people are only allowed so many children, due to over population and if you have another child they kill it.


But... back to the jelly bean war :)

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He misunderstood Revenge's post is all. I just came in and read the word "cannibalism" and started a jelly bean war. Simple run-through.


*throws grape jelly beans*

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Ohhh... I like the white ones :yes: Although Jelly Bellies are my favourties!!! *throws white jelly beans*

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Ohh come on Levy, you can't tell me you didn't know that?? Everyone knows that there is parts in China where people are only allowed so many children, due to over population and if you have another child they kill it.


But... back to the jelly bean war :)

I thought they got rid of their maximum birth law. It was too inhumane.

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Isn't it where you can only have two children, a daughter and a son, the son coming first? That's what I last heard...

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The one-child policy is the population control policy (or planned birth policy) of the People's Republic of China (PRC).

The Chinese government introduced the policy in 1979 to alleviate the social and environmental problems of China. The policy is controversial both within and outside China because of the issues it raises; because of the manner in which the policy has been implemented; and because of concerns about negative economic and social consequences.


The policy is enforced at the provincial level through fines that are imposed based on the income of the family and other factors. However, there are still many citizens that continue to have more than one child, despite this policy. In February 2008 Chinese Government official Wu Jianmin said that the one-child policy would be reconsidered during the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in March 2008, but at that time a representative of China's National Population and Family Planning Commission said that the policy would remain in place for at least another decade.

They don't kill off a child, they just fine the family. Though they don't fine families with twins or triplets or whatever because it wasn't their choice, they couldn't control how many children they had if they are twins.

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I don't think there is any specifics like that, but you could be right. They may have gotten rid of the law, but there are still parts of China that are too over populated, so it wouldn't surprise me if it still exists.

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And whatever I say has a chance of being inaccurate. I learn these things from word of mouth, and they just come up while I'm thinking. While there is some sort of birth control thing in there, it may or may not be executed the way I said so.



Rule #231 in Talking to Revenge: Never listen unless you're absolutely sure he's right.

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Right well that made it all a bit easier. Thanks Lev!!!


*throws watermelon jellybeans at Revenge*

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Well...no one can be 100% sure without proper citations.


That sounded geeky. o_O


Can we get back to the jelly bean fight?

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^^^ :O I think my mind is in the gutter, cause that sounded wrong when I read it!!


Back to the jellybean war!!! *pulls out cannon and shoots out jellybean covered pies*

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