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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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I'll get the vaccume. *gets it oput of the closet and the cord is all tangled up* ...go on without me, I need to deal with this...

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I don't even know how long ago it was, but a long time ago we had a second floor for pwnful people only. It was amazing, Ryan was barred from it till be became staff.

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Yes, the only reason there would be a beaver here would be if DOOM decided to start an infestation of killer beavers that took over all of TDN, and we aren't doing that, of course... *hides killer beaver behind back*

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*Snaps fingers and various cleaner robots appear* Which rooms do you need cleaned? Me and my team will get to work immediately.

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*clears throat* Excuse me... but who gets access to the second floor??

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What people? *looks around frantically* I don't want to be surrounded by nuts *runs away*


Edit: ARGH!!! Where is everyone!!??? The forums are barely moving at all and I am bored :(


For the first time ever today I clicked on "View New Post" and there weren't any :crying:

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*looks in and sees beavers, robot vacuum cleaners and Marianne screaming and runs*

I agree with Matt, I'm gonna sit this one out. I would like to try and hold onto my sanity for a little bit longer...


I think I'll just go and blow something up instead :D

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*watches Tom attempting to blow up his head* No, no no!!! You are doing it all wrong *giggles*

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Ah yes, that was during the Silence RP, I think. Ryan was annoying. <_< *starts sweeping*


And the ones that can't control themselves get locked up in the floor below the basement...:evil:


...We do have one, right? xD

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*tackles Morgan* YAY!!! Your back... Did you see that there were only three posts in here until today!! *grumbles*

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A fluffy opinion, where would you get one of those?



I guess just in my head, where you get all kinds of mis-read and mis-heard things such as "Duty roster" being read by me as "Dirty rooster" and hearing the words "Unmistakably German" as "Unmistakably drunk" :eh:


Although, if you think about it, a fluffy opinion would be nice - fluffy is nice so if someone has a fluffy opinion it must be a good/nice opinion :nerd:

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Isn't that wha you can get on facebook and bebo? Werewolf and Vampires etc?

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Uh... I think it's a different site.


In any case, the second floor is now clean. Anybody care to set up a restricted entry point or something?

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