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Aaaand I still got nothing...


To change the subject yet again, anyone ever try to EV train a pokemon? Offer me an answer to some of my questions yes?


I know the basics, is there a way to know when a Pokemon can't increase a base stat any further?

Do EVs only increase at lvl 100 or do they gradually increase as you raise it from say a lvl 1 or something?

Could you have EV trained a pokemon without even knowing you have EV trained it?

Will you answer any more of my questions should they arise (X3) ?



As you may or may not know, EV's are a very important part of training any

pokemon. Just starting to be recognized by people other than breeders, EV

training helps pokemon become more adept in a certain area. They can be used

to give any pokemon the edge in a battle, or keep a pokemon in one. For

example, if you wanted to give a Raikou a boost in its Speed, you would

simply train it against pokemon that's speed stat is dominant. Another

example is if someone wanted to help Tyranitar land a bigger hit with

Crunch, which would have that person battle against pokemon that are more

dominant in Special Attack.<p>


With that in mind, let's start with the basics. If you're wondering what

"EV" means, it simply means "Effort Value." It makes sense since you need to

put your effort into battling certain pokemon in order to get rewarded for

your efforts. Effort Values are hidden values, so you can't just look

somewhere in the pokemon's statistics to figure out how many Effort Values

you have already earned for a certain stat. Because of this limit,

calculating Effort Values requires you to record each pokemon, or at least

the EVs gained from the pokemon. If you want an easy way to do this, just

make a chart with six columns, label them according to the six different

stats, and place a tally for each point gained in the stat.<p>


So now you're in a battle. Keep in mind that only battles where EXP counts

gives you an Effort Point, so no battling over a link cable or battle tower

to get Effort Points. Anyway, you have a Linoone, and you just defeated a

Zubat. Now, just like a pokemon's Base Values are set in stone (like Slaking

always having a base value of 160 in Attack), EVs are the same way. Anyone

who's ever trained a Zubat knows that the dominant stat is Speed, so if you

look at the Speed EV chart, you will see that Zubat gives 1 EV to Speed.

Most of the time, it's this easy. But sometimes you will find that a pokemon

gives EVs in an odd stat, like Charizard giving 3 EVs to Special Attack or

that a pokemon gives EVs to more than one stat, like Venusaur giving 2 EVs

to Special attack and 1 EV to Special Defense. Just watch out for those

things. If you can't find the EV, just use the pokedex to find it.<p>


Now to explain how these work. Say the Linoone battled 4 Zubats and aquired

4 EVs in the pokemon's Speed EV. When it levels up, it will gain one more

point to its Speed stat than if it had battled three Zubats and one Geodude

(1 EV to Defense). This is because for every 4 Effort Points you get towards

a certain stat, you get one point more to the stat. If you wish for a less

technical explanation, let's call each Effort Value a Piece of Heart, like

in any Legend of Zelda game. If you get four Pieces of Heart, you get a

Heart Container. It's the same way with Effort Values. Of course, there has

to be a limit to this, seeing as if you battled 3,996 Zubats, you would have

a lot of time on your hands, and a Linoone with 999 located in its Speed



So, what are the limits? Well for starters, you can only gain 510 Effort

Values before they will stop being counted. 510 can be called our "Overall

Maximum", if you want a technical term. So this brings the Effort Points you

can gain to 126, once again as a maximum. But this is still a bit much to add

to any one stat, and it would make any Mewtwo have an absurd amount of

Special Attack still, or Blissey still having that huge potential to go over

700 Hit Points (not like you still can't get there.) So, to make it limited

still, there can only be a maximum of 255 Effort Points per stat, giving a

pokemon a potential 63 point increase in any stat.<p>


So now, in terms of pokemon you have to battle, let's say you want that

Linoone to get its maximum speed. You would have to battle 255 Zubats to get

to the maximum speed value; EV training for any more Speed will become

useless if you choose to continue after 255. Now, I can imagine some of you

thinking, "Wow, I don't want to battle 255 pokemon to fill up on Speed EVs."

Well the good news is that you don't. The maximum points you can get for any

selected stat is 255, right? That's exactly what it is, a maximum. There are

a bunch of ways to lessen the EV training and make it less daunting.<p>


Let's start with the simplest. Remember all those Proteins at the Energy

Guru and Pok�rt in Veilstone that cost 9800 pok�llars a piece? Those give 10 Effort Points to any

pokemon's attack stat. HP UP, Calcium, Iron, Carbos, and Zinc are similar of

course, giving 10 Effort Points to their corresponding stat. But once again,

this would make it too easy to EV train and will result in a limit. The

reason that those extra proteins that couldn't be used on your ultra-tough

Blaziken wouldn't work could be one of two reasons: 1. The stat is already

maxed out on EV points, or 2. You already used ten proteins on the Blaziken.

Since you can only use 10 vitamins on a single stat, this gives you 100

Effort Values possible to each stat this way. If you're one who is looking

for a rounded way of giving Effort Points to a pokemon and carries a lot of

money around, you could easily buy 10 Proteins, 10 Irons, 10 Calciums, 10

Zincs, 10 Carbos's, and a single HP UP and you will have already maxed out

your Effort Values this way.<p>


There's two more ways to make the whole EV training process go faster.

Remember the Macho Brace? That brace

will double Effort Points gained. Suddenly you earn 2 Effort Points for each

Zubat wearing the brace. Have you heard about the elusive Pokerus? That does

the exact same thing as the Macho brace. So now you have a Ninetales

carrying a Macho Brace with the Pokerus, and you just defeated a Spinda.

Since Spinda gives out 1 Effort Point to Special Attack, and you have both

the Pokerus and Macho brace, you get 4 Effort Points points to Special

Attack, which results in you gaining one more point to Special Attack on

your next level-up. Suddenly that 255 becomes 64 pokemon that you have to

battle to fill the Effort points up. Of course, the Pokerus doesn't appear

that easily, so good luck trying to get it.<p>


However, that is not all. In Diamond & Pearl, there are a variety of Power items that will work similar to the Mach Brace, however they only work for one specific stat. Instead of just doubling the EVs gained in battle, the Power item will add 4 to it. So if you're battling a Gengar while your Pok�n holds the Power Lens that gives 3 Special Attack EVs, you will earn a massive 7 EVs which means almost 2 Points added, add to that the possibility of Pok�s, the possibilities get much easier. However these Power items do lower your Pok�n's speed. All of the items are obtainable for Battle Points in Battle Park so they're easy to get. Below is a list of which boosts which<p>



<li>Power Weight - Hit Points</li>

<li>Power Bracer - Attack</li>

<li>Power Belt - Defense</li>

<li>Power Anklet - Speed</li>

<li>Power Lens - Special Attack</li>

<li>Power Band - Special Defense</li>



As for recommended places to train in R/S, try these:<p>


HP - Whismur - Cave on Route 106<br>

Attack - Carvanha - Route 119 (Super Rod)<br>

Defense - Sandshrew/Skarmory - Route 113<br>

Special Attack - Spinda - Route 113<br>

Special Defense - Tentacool - Almost Anywhere you can surf<br>

Speed - Zubat/Golbat - Cave of Origin<p>


As for recommended places to train in D/P, try these:<p>


HP - Shellos/Bidoof - Valley Windworks<br>

Attack - Machoke/Bibarel - Route 211 East<br>

Defense - Graveler/Onix - Iron Mountain<br>

Special Attack - Gastly/Haunter - Old Chateau<br>

Special Defense - Tentacool/Tentacruel - Route 220 or anywhere you surf<br>

Speed - Staravia/Pikachu - Trophy Garden<p>



If you want to know if your pokemon can earn more Effort Points, there's a

woman in Slateport's outdoor sales area (3rd Gen) or Sunyshore's Seal Market (4th Gen) that will give you a ribbon if you

have aquired 510 Effort Points, figuratively called the "Effort Ribbon."<p>


So logically, it's best to start EV training immediately after you get the

pokemon. But of course, you can't get any Effort Points from those pokemon

like Carvanha with your newly hatched Mudkip (well you can but it'd be

hard). This is where the EXP. Share comes in. Any experience you get through

the EXP. Share is divided in half, so you'd think it would be the same for

Effort Values right? Actually, you get the same amount of Effort Values for

the battle as the pokemon fighting it did. So if your Mudkip had EXP. Share

attatched to it and your Blaziken defeated a Carvanha, both would get 1 EV

point, if they could. Sadly, you cannot manipulate the Macho Brace or

Pokerus to give Mudkip 4 EVs in place of 1 by using the EXP. Share. However,

if you were to send out Mudkip first with Macho Brace and Pokerus and

switch, it would gain the four Effort Points.<p>



One last thing on EVs - Rare Candys. The so-thought dreaded item that

doesn't boost your stats as high as if you took the time to level up. They

usually accumulate in someone's box or are sold. Rare Candies, in reality,

do not take EVs into account when the stats increase. They're still there,

they just haven't been applied to the pokemon's stats yet. It's safe to use

them after the Effort Points are full.<p>



And that's basically all there is to shed on this topic.


Sorry Levy, I would've written an expaination myself, but while I was just doing that the connection on my Wii went down, erasing everything I wrote. *makes rude handsign at Wii's faulty connections*


Oh, and there have been a few additions since that article first came out. With Crunch you need to raise Attack, not Sp. Attack. And now you can just use the counter feature on the Poketch to count EVs, as long as your focusing on one at a time.


For a list on what pokemon give what EVs, visit www.serebii.net. Always. Forever. Trust me.


o_O I didn't get anything on the pokemon thing...


Chao training is much easier. ^_^


Hello peoples, Revenge is here yet again with the word of the day: Logorrhea.


(Anyone who can come up with an intelligent sentence for this word gets a free cookie!)


I built some things today. One of them included this shelf thingie. For putting things on it. Well obviously that's what shelves are made for, but I'm just trying to tell you guys I did something cool. b)

Guest Levy

Well I got voting out of the way till November. ^_^

Guest Levy

The primary election in Indiana was today.


Ooh, that's right. Forgot about that.


I still can't believe Clinton won in Texas. -_-


Sorry 'bout that throat, Anna. Eat ice cream! ^_^


And cheese. You need calcium. *threatens with uber ray gun*

Guest Levy

Clinton won Indiana... And I voted for Obama...


In other news, I am currently training two twin sister Dratinis at the same time. At lvl 30 I will chose which one to continue training by comparing their stats. Right now its too close to tell.


Well right now I have like 15 minutes to finish off a web design project that I would normally take several hours to do. *headdesk*

Guest Levy

Obama is still ahead in number of delegates. Clinton would have to pull off some kind of miracle in order to beat Obama's lead.


I'm not really catching up on what's going on politically, so I won't say anything on that. But I have a dragonair! I refuse to evolve it due to:

1. Even though it would gain an immunity, it would also gain a weakness to 2x Elec. and 4x Ice.

2. Dragonair could do better with some EV training.

3. It looks much cooler this way.

Guest Levy

That is my opinion on the two... But the stats of a Dragonair can't really compare to a Dragonite.


I still don't like the typing... Garchomp is the same. So is Flygon.

That's why I want a Kingdra. I need to trade it though!

(Ooh, and sidenote: A few more posts and I'll be a Super Member!)

Guest Levy

I'll help you with that trade thing. I got a Rhydon I want to become a Rhyperior. I'll meet you in the internet page thingy soon.

Guest Levy

Yayz! A Rhyperior... now to bury it in the depths of my box like it was when it was a Rhydon. XD


When you have a whole weekend of nothing to do except babysit your brother, the mind (or at least mine) searches for random knowledge. So I went online and searched for the first thing that popped into my head.


I can do simple hypnosis now. xD

Guest Levy

Yay! I finally got around to downloading AVG 8.0.1... Yay for free protection!


That's right! Yay for free protection - and yay even more for open-source operating systems that don't even need anti-virus software! :P


Boo for crappy hardware and slow download rate. x_x

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