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I don't go on as often as I used to either. It is going a bit downhill... I blame Viacom, with their greedy executives... :hmmph02:

No fun. I did go to see that april fools joke though. It wasn't as funny as, say, the time they said they were going to redo neopets to make it "cooler." That was funny.

What happened to make you dislike Neopets so much, Levy?

Its just childish. The site has really gone downhill since Jan 07. Plus, its hard to get anywhere on the site when there are so many cheaters, hackers, and scammers. I mean, for cripe's sake, its a children's online game. Why can't those cheaters, hackers, and scammers put their skills to more of a practical use? Such as programming, cybersecurity, and telemarketing.


Maybe because some of them are kids themselves? I'unno. People are just like that. They care so much about being better than everyone else they'll do stuff like that. Remember my brother and WoW? He's like that.


They're just sad people who are mentally twisted to the point where they can't figure out how silly they're being. :yes:


XD I love dA's April Fools joke.


Yeah it was funny, it was also funny to read the 50+ journals of the people I watch complaining about it. There were also a few journals complaining about the complainers and even one complaining about the complaning people complaining about the complainers. (If that makes any sense at all here, have a cookie.)


:P dA has a huge, active community, so it's natural that there'll be a whole lot of complaining. :yes:


There is no actual subject. That's the point. :P


I like meat pies, particularly beef & cheese, and especially when they're still fresh & steaming hot. :yes: *licks lips*


*wants to post but sleep overwhelming*

I like all types of pie, especially pi (sleepyness makes me unfunny it seems. It also gives me bad grammar apparently)


Well, I hardly even made an appearance here tonight, but oh well. Sleep now *leaves*


*Laughs evilly* Nighty night, dream of an infinite stack of maths homework tonight! :devil:


What settings? I know I could change my signature fine. :yes:


@AA: I love that Vista joke in your signature, it made me laugh XD

@Everybody else: Hey! Still taking contestants for DOOM's Art Contest. See the link in my sig for more details.


That really sounded like some sort of spam email, didn't it? :P


Not so much a spam e-mail as a random TDN post. :yes:


And the Vista joke in my siggy made me laugh too, that's why I put it there. :P

What settings? I know I could change my signature fine. :yes:

I can't change any of my portal information. Each time I try it just stays the same... Help?


Yes, that is a bug with this version of the forums. :yes: You'll have to go to your profile page and use the settings tab there to change it (I believe I mentioned this bypass on another topic somewhere :P ).


Ah. Okies then. *sits around looking for a new topic*

Hey, you know I'm sick right now? The bug's been going around now. At least I get to miss school for a couple of days...


What are you sick with? Flu? A stomach bug? DOOM's recently patented type-II hydrosion nanobots?


People who think they're invulnerable to our mind-control have already been mind-controlled. :devil:


*makes a brief appearance and decides to post*

I am tired and going to bed. Just came here for the sake of it really :P


SIDE NOTE: Only two days of school left for me, which means much more posting and general activity for 3 or so weeks after that :D


Good night!




im not sure you know how smart i am do not underestimate my super brain and what happens when i get bored :geeky_evil:


DOOM mind control? That's so outdated. The new thing is to be mind-controlled by Princess Ruto, which you will then become my slave and eat cookies to your heart's content. :yes:


-wanders in here- o.o

Was this always here?

-takes a seat- So mind control? What if there isn't much mind to control? :sleeping_03anim:

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