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Giovanni Gale

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I just got it. :D I wish I'd done this yesterday. I'd have gotten a silver trophy for sure, and if I'd been quick enough, gold. (There were 8 when I tried it the first time, so most likely, by the time I was gone, 2 more would have gotten it.)


But I got my 3k and the Snow Petpet Paint Brush. :D

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Sweet! Congratulations. I was surprised when I went to do it there had only been about 100 completed so far. I thought it was so easy that it would have been closed the same night it was released, apparently not.


Also, it is so massively windy today again. It's annoyingly loud and apparently we've got a severe thunderstorm warning again bleh with stupid 60+ mph winds. Also the dishwasher is super loud right now too.

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I don't know that it's so much difficult, but more that it's tedious and takes ages. That's why I stopped yesterday, when there were only 8. After like 300-400k, I got too bored. Since I had the avatar already, I couldn't be bothered. :laughingsmiley:


It's cold and snowy here. It's 21 degrees right now.

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Ahhh. I thought that it was a matter of luck if you got bonus lives or not. But was curious at how "lucky" those with 12mill were. Makes sense now.

I kept colliding with things in the harder levels. I didn't find any guide for the game. Wish I had known about that method before, would've saved me a lot of stress. Ehe :)


And I finally got the Deserted Tomb avatar! Good day today!

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Congrats on the avatar! I still have issues getting the random/daily ones.


I think I got the score by level 5. But I wish I'd stayed on level 1 and 2. I was nervous, because on level 4 and 5, I finished both with only 1 life.

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What on earth...


Today appears to be my lucky day


Something Has Happened!

You are now eligible to use 'Symol' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


Yay?! What's going on <3 2 of the daily avatars I thought I'd never get...in one day? :thumbsup:

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Wow! Congratulations! I still need a bunch of random daily ones too. It was apparently my dad's lucky day yesterday, everything was going right for him it was actually a little frustrating for everyone else because of how things were working out in his favor :rolleyes_anim:

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Oh good, they extended the due date again. It was originally supposed to be closed this morning but I didn't get anything done for it but I was also kind of banking on the fact that they almost always extend the deadline. I'm not actually that excited about this random contest. I don't really care about what's going on in the space station. :rolleyes_anim:

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LOL thats not very nice :P

Haha, ehh I am indifferent .

I havent tried a random contest before; But I may try sometime soon :)

Are they super hard ?

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Most of the contests aren't really that hard to get something done for them but for some of contests there are some people that get really into it and make fantastic and elaborate entries so it can be hit or miss to win one but I feel that they're worth it. A little bit of your time for a chance at an avatar and a random prize and some np. I've only won one out of the 3 I've entered but they were still fun to make none the less.

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Congrats to the other BTY winners! Also, I went to level 12 or something to get my score, without reusing the first few levels. Hadn't thought of that, just didn't seem like extra lives were really getting spit out that much.


Currently I'm practicing my Deckball skills because I want the trophy and I'm super excited for the Altador Cup this summer and I figure Deckball is as close to YooYooball as we can get right now. Heh! I'm pathetic.


As to the weather, it's pretty chilly here in San Diego. I miss the winter and blizzards, and rain. It doesn't rain often here and I'm happy when it does. I need to move to Seattle so I can be happy all the time when it rains.

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You know the few times that I've been to Seattle, it has never rained, not that I'm complaining but I felt a little bit jipped out of the experience.


It's usually a nice drizzle, though I do prefer the really hard summer rains of the Midwest. I also really love it when it's overcast. If you've ever watched Twilight, I want it to be like that all the time. Maybe I'm a creepy vampire who just doesn't suck blood or sparkle in the sunlight or whatever. Or I just don't like sunlight, one of the two.

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That sounds pretty awesome, Wembly. :O


Over here it's nice and overcast so I just took a walk around the park. It's so nice out currently, apparently we're gonna have a giant storm and below freezing tempatures tomorrow though. Hoping for snow.

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