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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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I have a (fading) scar on my right knee from when I tripped at 5th grade camp. It was around a centimeter deep and long, and 3/4 a centimeter wide at the widest point. I had to get four stitches in it.

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Lucky you.


I have two scars on my left leg from when I had an operation for my broken leg (they cut it open and stuck two metal rods in and then cut in again and took them out a while later).

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I have a scar on my left middle finger. I dropped a cash register on it, and it sliced so deep that it was a flap of skin, and I hit a minor artery. Blood was squirting everywhere! ...so cool.

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Argh! How can I keep up with this board?!?!? :P


For the record....I do NOT lurk!! well...maybe a little


*Shakes Zac uncontrollably for several seconds*

Why must you disappear on me?!

Now I'm drinking rootbeer in a cold and dusty corner and I'm beginning to have a sugar crash!

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How can you know that I'm lurking? <.<

I know that you lurk because I can see that you're one of the people currently viewing the page. Plus, you admitted that you lurk more than you post. XP

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