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Giovanni Gale

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I have DDR at my school as one of the fitness activities. Leave it to me to play a really fast song on hard mode in a room full of other people. That was some experience... :hmmph:


My first ever console was Nintendo and my last ever console will be Nintendo. Boy, I need help...

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I actually once played a PS2, but only because they had one in the hospital where I was stuck for a few weeks, so my mum couldn't stop me.

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Lol, I'm so bad at DDR. I only step back, like a centimetre so I never actually hit the arrows, and my friend was on 5,000 points, and I was on 1,000. :( And i'm the one who does dance lessons!

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I went to a party were a bunch of the guys (don't ask me if they liked boys or girls...) were playing DDR. You know how funny it is to see 30yr olds playing DDR on fast mode? Plus, they weren't in the best of shape. XP

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Yeah, they are. And I think the graphics look pretty lame, too. I've got a Wii, and I was researching into what games would come out soon, so I knew what to get. But, DDR is definitely not on my list of games to purchase.

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