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Neomysterion's MS Paint Fantasy Neopet and Petpet Factory


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DISCLAIMER: Just to let you guys know before you say anything else, this is really for entertainment purposes to be honest. I don't have any plans on submitting content for the Art Gallery due to the fact that you can't submit Neopet/Petpet colours that don't exist yet (courtesy of Leedom111 in her post on this thread), all of this is just for fun.


I've been getting skilled with MS Paint recently pretty much since I've created some Meepits for the Meepit Fanbase, and I have some fantasy Neopet and Petpet designs to share with you. I'm going to show you some Baby Petpets I've whipped up in my spare time. Click on them for a larger version of the respective Petpet you clicked on.




Kadoatie | Meepit | Slorg | Warf | Uniocto


Each one took about 2 to 3 hours to make separately. I'll be making more Baby Petpets and some other fantasy Neopet and Petpet designs pretty soon, so watch this topic for new stuff in the coming months!

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Oh wow! Those are superb! Good job; you really are talented with MS Paint :P


Thanks for that comment. I used to be horrible at MS Paint years ago, but I've been showing some expertise over here. I normally take a look at some Neopet/Petpet pictures as well as look at some details of other pets in the colour I want to make the pet in, and start from there.


Also, I have two more Baby Petpets:


Kookith | Ghostkerchief



I also have a special bonus for Hissi lovers, a new Hissi colour that I... sort of made! Enjoy!


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Hang on, I got a new Baby Petpet, a Baby Magmut. This one has been recommended by TDN Staffer Dante, enjoy!



Also, I made a new Kiko colour recently, TNT needs to release this one on the next Kiko Day, here you go!





I also wanted to include an all new Fruit Chia as well, check him out!





Watch out for a new Wocky colour coming soon, it's one that I wanted to see TNT release this past Wocky Day, but didn't.

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What's the Chia fruit? o_O


You should get into the art gallery making your baby petpets all playing around in a room. Like, keep the meepit sprite like that, and then have it holding something or something. :D

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What's the Chia fruit? o_O


You should get into the art gallery making your baby petpets all playing around in a room. Like, keep the meepit sprite like that, and then have it holding something or something. :D


That would be a Tetraberry. I have plans on making a Roseatte Chia, a Bomberry Chia, and even a Banana Chia pretty soon.

I don't think that TNT would ever except stuff like mine in the Art Gallery. I have to be more like people like Darkeaglearmor and Leedom111 if I ever want to be an Art Gallery star. I can still try out for the Beauty Contest however. :P


Also, I have a little something for Xepha if she ever pokes through this topic:




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What's the Chia fruit? o_O


You should get into the art gallery making your baby petpets all playing around in a room. Like, keep the meepit sprite like that, and then have it holding something or something. :D


Unfortunately, the Art Gallery doesn't accept colors that don't exist yet... :(


Anyway, these are awesome! :D They are all great, but I especially love the Chocolate Hissi and the Baby Magmut!


Also, I have a tip for using paint. I notice a lot of white artifacts around your outline. I can only assume this is because you are using the brush tool. I highly recommend the pencil tool instead; although it is more pixelated, you won't have the white.

Here is a screenie that explains a bit, I hope:




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