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What gives you Christmas cheer?


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In _______, on the week during Christmas they have these lovely decoration around the area. Also when me and my family and I make some winter cookies and get around the Christmas tree, It gives me Christmas cheer just looking at it. How about you?

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If I could name several things that give me Holiday cheer this Christmas, it would be the following:


  • Advent Calendar basically. :P
  • Watching Christmas specials on television (Rudolph, Frosty, Grinch, etc.).
  • Listening to some good Christmas songs.


I have more, but I don't want to bore you people.

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So far, nothing. I think it's because schools around here aren't out, and because I'm not with my friends and family.


However, this particular picture is putting me in the holiday spirit:



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Buying/wrapping/giving presents gives me christmas cheer :) Other than that I can be a bit of a scrooge :laughingsmiley:

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For me, looking at decorations (especially lights) and making gingerbread cookies.

I haven't seen that many pretty lights in my area and I haven't made gingerbread cookies yet so I haven't exactly been in the holiday spirit lately! :(

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Usually there's a smell - it smells like my overseas relative's house - from the presents we receive in the mail and the christmas tree. And there's just that feeling... that feeling of "yay, nearly Christmas, no school for a month!" kind of uber-relaxed feeling. For some reason, neither of them are happening this year :mellow: *sigh*

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When I was younger, it was always the smell of our real evergreen. Now, I know of no one who actually uses a real tree and I don't believe I'm allowed to use a real one at my apartment. However, Christmas movies like (The Santa Claus, The Santa Claus 2, Home Alone 1, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Frostie The Snow Man) always place me in festive cheer! I also enjoy the Christmas music played for only two months out of the year. Placing up Christmas decorations also helps!


But it's the Christmas cookies which really help!

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