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Random phone calls/texts


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(just to clear this up, what I mean by "random" is the call or text is from an area code you may not recognize, something like that)


Does anyone else get these on a semi-regular basis? If so, what are some memorable random calls/texts that you've received?

I've gotten calls from mortgage offices in New York, Florida and California several times, and at one point I got one of those calls or voicemails almost every day.

A few minutes ago, though, I got a text from someone in the Bay Area (it took me a while to find out where the area code was from) about a last-minute get together where they'd be playing Tock and eating munchies and there'd be wine (a bunch of wine) and I was like, who are you, why are you texting me and am I invited to this get-together?

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I normally don't get random calls or texts, but right before Thanksgiving, I got a text from a woman, trying to reach someone named Vanessa (not me, obviously) saying that she'd run into some mutual friend at a restaurant in town and he'd given her my number (thinking it was Vanessa's) and wanted to know about meeting up for coffee.


I just replied saying she had the wrong number. (I don't know whether the wrong number was given purposefully or not, or whether she just wrote it down wrong.)

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Oooh that sounds like a partay! You gotta go ;)


I've had some pretty weird ones; a bunch of my friends older brothers friends got a hold of my number and enjoyed ringing me up at stupid o'clock saying rather unsavory things I cant repeat on here XD I've also had some withheld number call me up a few times and do the creepy heavy breathing thing. I changed my number after a week or so of that lol. I don't give my number to anyone anymore really for those reasons :P

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I've also had some withheld number call me up a few times and do the creepy heavy breathing thing.


Ok...that's just way too creepy. Luckily, I don't usually get those calls, though I have called the wrong number before XD And if someone called me and didn't say anything, I'll give them a piece of my mind...my plan has a limit of 50 min and going over is no good for my wallet.


But I have gotten text messages from numbers not in my address book so I couldn't figure out who they were. Since the text didn't require a reply, I never actually replied back XD I think I did figure out who it was but I don't really remember anymore XD Must be one of my peers from my college courses.

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Recently, I've gotten a couple of calls from the midwest talking about a cruise I've "won".


My most memorable random text was from a woman in Dallas making sure that I was going to her 4 year old son's birthday party (wrong number, but how do you mess up the area code like that?).

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Haha. I remember I once got a phone call from a person who asked me if I could answer some political questions for a survey. He then asked me about my opinions about a whole mess of Republican candidates that I've never heard about and I just kept on giving him random answers until I couldn't take it anymore and told him that I was a Democrat. XD

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Thanks to caller ID, I generally don't pick up calls from numbers I don't recognize. I was getting an 800 number calling every couple weeks for a few months. I finally gave in and picked it up. They were trying to sell me $1000 computer insurance. For that, I could get 2 new computers...

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I don't have a phone, but my house phone always get calls from random advertisement people.


The phone keeps getting this call from a 243 number or something and my parents nor I know who it is. :/

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I get weird texts all the time from numbers I don't know. The strangest was along the lines of "The main battery cell's gone done and we need a replacement ASAP! Please hurry!" I just replied that it was the wrong number. I was a little freaked out at that one to be honest, lol :)

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ah yes, the random calls, I've had my fair share of them and they always freak me out. This one time I was at work and I got a random call to my cell and apparently it was some guy looking for his daughter and someone had kidnapped her or something, freaky o_O

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I seem to be getting quite a few lately. Probably because it's time for a new contract. I've gotten random text invites, random texts asking where I am, random voicemails about window treatments, random office calls..all sorts! And none of these calls were for me, of course.

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i usually get telemarketers but this one telemarketer must have really wanted to sell that product because I got about 10 calls a day from the same number. I answered once and it was something about a cell phone company, I told him I wasn't interested but I guess he didn't understand. <_<

I'm still getting calls but now it's only like 1 every now and then.

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Back when we had a house phone (got lots of telemarketer calls) my mom would always tell them to put her on the do-not-call list and it worked. I wonder if you can still say that to telemarketers and they'll listen? I think I don't get many random calls because I don't give out my number to any place.

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A few years ago this woman would call my cellphone and ask for this guy at all hours of the day.


I think she was a nurse or a secretary because she would keep saying he'd need to come in to get his "results." So I called her back and told her she had the wrong number because she mentioned this guy had some bleeding for a certain orifice. *cough*


Anyway, she started calling me back a few months later, still asking for the same guy. One day she called about 5 times in a half hour. She was all "I can't wait for our date tonight." "Are you on your break? Why aren't you answering" Then she was giving more medical details over the phone.


So I let my hubs hear all these messages she was leaving - then she called again LOL My husband mentioned an attorney and told her this was harassment, we have her workplace/name/address and messages proving that she's giving out confidential medical information over the phone - that she's dating a client AND that she was told she had the wrong number before. Any more calls and we would seek legal action.


She doesn't call here anymore.


I also ALWAYS get calls from men asking for Stephanie. Stop giving out my number as a substitute for yours, Steph. COME ON NOW! (whoever you are)

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Once I had a text along the lines of "[person's name here] good, doctors say [blah blah blah]. Praying to god he's ok!!". Texted them back to tell them it was the wrong number and got an apology :)


Other than that, our number is really similar to the local chinese, so we get calls semi-often ordering the chow mien with prawn crackers. :laughingsmiley:

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i usually get telemarketers but this one telemarketer must have really wanted to sell that product because I got about 10 calls a day from the same number. I answered once and it was something about a cell phone company, I told him I wasn't interested but I guess he didn't understand. <_<

I'm still getting calls but now it's only like 1 every now and then.


Ah yes, the telemarketers, its funny because sometimes I just put them on hold and make them listen to random music and see how long they will last xD

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Meh, at midnight, my phone went off. I looked at it, it was an unknown number. REJECTED :P


Yeah, I've started to adopt that rule. If it is a number I don't recognize or if it says unknown I don't answer it and just reject it.

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Recently, I've gotten a couple of calls from the midwest talking about a cruise I've "won".


I keep getting that call on my cell phone. I never answer it, since it's a total waste of my not-very-many minutes I get in my plan. Otherwise, I don't get too many strange calls or texts.


My mum's phone number, however, is one number off that of a local motel, so she gets lots of wrong number calls from people wanting to rent a room.

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