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So I was posting on the AC, and I said: I love that one! I was referencing to an episode of a show that someone mentioned, and I was silenced... It got me thinking, and I think TNT should make something where you could put what you want to say, and it say if it is allowed... Silencing stinks.


That system would imply that their system follows some kind of recognizable logic. After seeing a post that literally said "What does PG-13 mean?" on a topic about movies deleted, I'm pretty sure that every once in awhile their forum moderators just kind of yawn, stretch, swing their banhammers at the nearest target, and go back to napping.


Wait, you got silenced for the phrase "I love that"? Jeez what is with TNT? I really don't understand how their silencing system works or any of their warnings for that matter . . .


Totally feel your pain.


Back when Petpet Park was released, a person and I were talking about which games we liked. I also put "I love that game"... and I got a warning.

If I said it again, I'd be frozen/banned from playing.


So lame. <_<


Unbelievable!! TNT has gotten ridiculous. Someone else got banned because they were warning others about hackers, so that they should change their passwords frequently. :( I feel for you!


if you're like me and you don't believe in love , you wouldn't have that problem


lol j/k


i don't think i ever said "i love ...." anything on the Neoboards or if I ever went into any discussion with any one about any thing ... all I do is post that I want a MSPP lend or advertise my trades/shop ... sometimes some "funny" people try to aggravate me but I simply never reply lol


I was posting on the BC and somebody had an angry looking pic entered, so I said something along the lines of "Wow, she looks like she's about to eat my face."


Silence. I thought maybe "eat my" was the culprit, but later that fine winter eve' I was silenced again...




The word /face/ got my post garbled...Twice.


Oh dear TNT :/

Some of the filters and things you get silenced for are ridiculous! I've only been warned once for talking about FB on the boards, but I've never been silenced or anything like that. I guess I've just been lucky :P


I was silenced because I said "I'm into anything". I was asked what sort of RPs I like :(


That's a bit different though, that easily could have been something untoward seeing as RPing means different things to different people :P


Sadi - I totally agree. I post more rarely on the boards now; TNT is completely ridiculous when it comes to warnings, silences, etcetera. I was warned for something that was not even in the listed rules, but they felt the need to inform me that what I said "is against the rule of-" blah blah blah obviously pulled out of their butt.


I actually filed a ticket because of it - how can I be warned for a rule that is not listed on the site anywhere??



As for swiging their banhammer randomnly, I remember reading in an editorial that TNT uses a filter, but every single action is verified by a person. If this is so, just what kind of people are TNT employing to do this?? Sorry, but I have even heard young children say that they 'love' things (like Hello Kitty, for example). So is THAT against the rules?

No offence but most of the things they are warning/silencing for, isn't EVEN PG-13 rated, more like Universal.

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