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hey everyone! recently i've gotten into restocking, and i saw on a website somewhere that the age of your account affects the kind of items you can see (in terms of their level of rarity) in shops. i'm pretty sure my account is still too young to see these items, but if anyone could tell me how old your account has to be before you can see them that would be awesome. thanks!






You will be able to see them all once your account hits 3 months old :)


Once your account is 16 days old, I think you get to see R84 and lower, and once you hit one month you get to see R94 and lower.


awesome, thanks! such a quick reply. hmmm, now i just need to find out how old my account is. also, one more quick question; i have an account that i made about 7 years ago that i still have the password and username to. i'm assuming it would be illegal to go on there for the purpose of restocking and then transferring the items to my other account? don't think ill of me for having that thought haha, if it is against the rules i will not do it.


why not make the 7 year old account your MAIN account ??? and the new account can be your side ...


you can transfer your current pet to that account if you like it better


i would do that, except that i have a habitarium at level 22 that i'm quite attached to... and i now that will really rake in the neopoints once it gets to level 50. is there anyway to transfer the habitarium over to the old account? probably not, but hey, worth a shot. aha.


In all honesty no you can't bring over your habi. But i would still say it is beneficial to go to the other account. There are other benifts of having an older account. Like the almost abandoned attic and having 30% off (I believe) on the 3rd wednesday of the month at the hidden tower.


yeah i suppose. although i have accumulated a good 400, 000 on the newer account after selling a purple paint brush i REALLY luckily happened across. i guess for now at least i'll only use the old account for the habitarium.


yeah i suppose. although i have accumulated a good 400, 000 on the newer account after selling a purple paint brush i REALLY luckily happened across. i guess for now at least i'll only use the old account for the habitarium.

I'm afraid, as far as I'm aware it's against the neopets rules to use more than one account for any np making activity - be that playing games, doing dailies, restocking etcetera. It has to all be done on your main account.

So if you're using one account for dailies and such, you cannot use another account for your Habitarium. :( Sorry about that, just letting you know so you don't get into trouble!

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