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That awkward moment when.....


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Personally, I'm a very awkward person, especially in social situations. I'm not shy but I somehow always end up saying the wrong thing...

Share your awkward moments here :rolleyes_anim:



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when you get red when your friends tell you to love somebody because you would make a good couple, and you're already in love with him...



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also that awkward moment when someone knows who you are, but you can't remember their name, or who they are.. but they know everything about you...


which was today, meeting up with friends, who bought friends i'ld met only a few times, and the few of us were the early ones.. mutual friends being very late instead.. (at least we had alot to talk about then :P) and they recognised me but i had no clue who these random people were at first, so bad..

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I had a water fight for this summer picnic thing, I didn't really know some of the people there. And me, being me, I dumped a bucket of cold water on the wrong person... The person I had meant to get was a boy a little bit on the large side and the person I accidentally got was a girl. It was awkward when I told her who I meant to get. :mellow:

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...you quote one of your favourite shows around your friends and no one gets the reference.

...you're on the phone and in an area with bad reception so you have to yell so the other person on the line can hear you (or not). And it doesn't help any if your friends are nearby, asking "why are you yelling? are you mad?"

...you're out in public and see someone you dislike that goes to your school.

...you're in your room singing and/or dancing (badly) and someone walks in on you.

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When you see somebody who looks exactly like someone you know from behind and you say hi and then they turn around. Now that is awkward!


OMG that reminds me! im near sighted but i don't like to wear my glasses, so once when i was walking down the street, i saw something who had the same jacket as one of my friends so i yelled out her name and ran towards that person. it's turns out to be, well... not my friend. and so she like stared at me like im some kind of psycho.... IM NOT CRAZY I TELL YA!

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When suddenly you think of something hilarious and start laughing so hard that you can't even pause to explain to your friends who are all staring at you like you're crazy. And when you finally manage to explain, no one finds it funny. <_<

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That awkward moment when someone's talking to you and you just keep on nodding and nodding, pretending you're listening until they ask you if you agree/disagree about it...and you just give a random answer and hope its the right one.


"Excuse me can you tell me what I'm agreeing/disagreeing too because I haven't been paying attention to you for the last five minutes." :sad02:

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That awkward moment when someone's talking to you and you just keep on nodding and nodding, pretending you're listening until they ask you if you agree/disagree about it...and you just give a random answer and hope its the right one.


"Excuse me can you tell me what I'm agreeing/disagreeing too because I haven't been paying attention to you for the last five minutes." :sad02:



LOL I do this all the time! I have a pretty bad B12 deficiency (up to where I need to get weekly injections) and you need this vitamin for your memory and concentration. My husband always keeps talking to me and after a couple minutes all I hear is "blahblahblah" no matter how hard I try. LOL Pretty bad. :*


And about the movie quotes, I do that too. I used to work as sort of a locksmith (we would build locks and make keys) and I would go running around like an idiot yelling "I AM THE KEYMASTER!!!" One of my colleagues knew exactly what that was and ran behind me, yelling" I AM THE GATEKEEPER!!!" All the other guys just looked at us as if we had gone bonkers. :laughingsmiley: I had a lot of fun there. LOL

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that awkward moment when you fall asleep in class and your teacher decides to make an example of you and slams a stack of textbooks beside your head thus scaring you awake and confused while the whole class laughed. ya, cruel teacher!

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The awkward moment when someone reads your story and yells at you for spelling 'colour' wrong.


Colour can be spelt color or colour. They got very agitated, told me I was a stupid Canadian, and left. O.O

I ALWAYS spell that word colour. Everyone thinks I'm English. Americans are so stupid sometimes.

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I ALWAYS spell that word colour. Everyone thinks I'm English. Americans are so stupid sometimes.


Haha, nahh. The girl just didn't understand we could spell it either way.


And Canadian's normally spell colour as well. To me it has to be favourite, honour, humour and such. Anything else looks weird.




And That awkward moment when it starts snowing in your room. (Watching a music video! XD)

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