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I've been told that I have been a "good role model" for little kids. I don't see why, sure I'm nice to them and don't cuss in front of them but all because I want to go into video games and play virtual pet games does not mean I am "going to be good for the little sisters of male gamers." I like virtual pet games but don't play them enough to live up to that. If anything hanging out with male gamers sounds much more fun. On a school bus once I was listening to my iPod and this girl asked what kind of songs I had? And I had to try to find out "What do I say without sounding like "the big bad high schooler who will poison the little kids minds."


So while do consider myself a good EXAMPLE for society in general, I don't consider myself a ROLE MODEL for little kids.


What do you think makes a good role model? Do you consider yourself one? What are you good role model traits?


To me a good role model is someone who tries to keep kids kids, if you know what I mean. I don't know if that really explains it so i'll try to explain it by using bad examples of what ISN'T a role model. Miley Cyrus, for example, is not a good role model. And almost every other teen pop star out there. Also, whenever I see those previews on TV for that Toddlers in Tiaras show, I shudder to think of what those girls will end up like because of their mothers' ruining childhood for them. I don't know if I would really consider myself a good role model...to be honest I really don't like being around kids that much...but I certainly think I would not be a bad role model. I don't know. To me, a role model is someone you can look up to for the RIGHT reasons. Not because they're pretty or successful, but because they work hard and are an all-around good person.

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