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What would you do?


what would you do?  

26 members have voted

  1. 1. What to do if you got something mispriced from a user shop?

    • return the item/nps (give back equal value)
    • tell them tough cookies
    • give them something (not equal value)
    • ignore

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so today i decided to really tackle my petpet paint brush gallery, as kadoaties are currently super sky high and was browsing in a shop for a plushie petpet paint brush when i saw a snow paint brush for 3k.


so i bought it (and the plushie pb), and then went to check the price, it had probably been mispriced because it actually is 30-35k


so almost immediately i got a neomail saying "I see you've purchased my misspriced ppb :P Ohwell, Merry Christmas to you :laughingsmiley: " and i had already felt a bit guilty about it so i bought items for their gallery, not quite equal to the value of the paint brush and sent it to them.


its probably not the first time someone has mispriced something. so my question is if you bought an item which had obviously been mispriced, what would you do?

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Depends on how they react. If they are nice about it, like what happened to you, I would probably do the same thing. If they start harrassing me or start beggin/crying/complaining, I would just block and keep.

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i ask because for some people, this is how they make nps, by finding something really cheap and re-selling (see it on TP all the time, a friend does this in real life on eBay when people mis-spell items for example)


so i would be curious if someone who does do that, do you come across this often?

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To be honest I would just buy it and move on xD but if they neomailed me then that is when the nice/not nice clause takes affect lol if they are kind about taking the loss then I will send them the item back and let them keep the neopoints but if they go out of line then I would report them since no one should have to deal with that behavior.

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This is a great topic! A fews months ago I discovered a Brightvale Jobs coupon in my SDB. For some reason I decided to put it in my shop at 99999 for safe keeping. Don't ask me why I did this, I should have left it where it was... So in my fast typing it went for 9999..... The person who bought it said nothing and I deleted my sales history without looking before I checked my shop. I was bummed and kind of still am... I just hope it was a newbie or something so they could then resell it and make bank. But lesson learned! I check and double check everything now!!

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Yeah this happened to me once too, i got a Pet Lab Map piece from a RE, one of the ones with the fishy worth 80,000 np. Being a noob I though it was only worth 10k, well needless to say it sold in like 20 seconds. I was boo hoo for quite some time :sad01_anim:

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One time I was searching for a Scriblet p3 for my Shoyru's Spyder on the shop wizard (i don't know what i was doing on the shop wiz) when I come across a shop that has one for 2 neopoints. I immediately reacted and bought it without thinking that maybe it was a mistake or something. When that thought did come up, i checked the price on the trading post and saw that the price was 700-900k. i wanted to neomail the person and see if it was a mistake or something but i didn't even see his/her username so i waited for them to mail me but nothing.


now that i think about it, you can't see a user in the sales history if they bought something under 1000np...

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If they neomailed me nicely I would give them the item back, provided I hadn't already used/sold it.

I did manage to buy an item worth 750K from the SW once, priced at 1np. Whether it was a CGer or not I don't know but they had loads of stuff they were getting rid of for very cheap. Their account was frozen within minutes of my visit. I did pretty well from it :P (This was like a year ago)

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If they neomailed me nicely I would just give it back, or give them something nice, but if they're rude about it then too bad for them lol. I make a lot of neopoints from sniping so when I find a cheap item like that I don't say anything. Then again I've never had anyone neomail me after buying a mispriced item.


It was very nice of you to give her items for her gallery ^^ I would have done the same thing in that situation. Btw nice gallery! Kadoaties are so expensive *.*

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I agree with most others. If they took the time to message me about it and were nice, I would work out a deal.


At the same time, there's a difference between a mis-type and simply being ignorant of the prices. Occasionally when I'm pricing my shop after a Dice-A-Roo session (playing until my pet is bored and usually getting 4+food items to sell), and checking prices in the SSW, I'll find something worth a few hundred np priced between 1-10 np. Usually it's food items like milk, carrots, etc. I'm assuming they're going by real world prices. I will not hesitate in snapping up all of the 1-10 np items to resell, and I don't feel bad about it at all. Even when I was new at age 12, it only took me about 5 minutes to learn how to use the Shop Wizard. If players are too lazy to either find out on their own or ask how to price items properly, then I feel it's perfectly in my right to take advantage.

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Depends on how they react. If they are nice about it, like what happened to you, I would probably do the same thing. If they start harrassing me or start beggin/crying/complaining, I would just block and keep.


I agree, though maybe not with blocking. :P

I think it as all in the attitude of the person. If they realize and start acting bratty, I would be a lot less inclined to help them out.

If they are nice, I would either buy some more shop items to compensate, or do as you did and send them items for their gallery.


It's all in the attitude. :)

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Honestly? I wouldn't return it, it's fair game at this point. I'm kind of cynical now though, 11 years does that to you.



Agreed. I'm sure that although it sucks for whoever you bought it from, stuff happens. You can't prevent that, although you would very much want to. It has happened to me various times, but you just have to learn with it, as harsh as it may seem.

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i think its worth mentioning whats happened since the above, so i've been slowly gifting this person back items towards their gallery, and as they are also from the same country, we've been briefly neomailing each other (similar time zone) and is probably the first nf i've met solely on neopets, most of my nfs are carryover from the harry potter community who transitioned into neopets, or i've met through external neopets fansites. anyway we have been chatting re neopets, i helped them level up on habitarium.


and today they gave me a discovered treasure chest! thats a fair bit of nps. :wub_anim:


so its been a lovely experience :)


*now i just have to find something to give them back too! :P*

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Hmm, if I was the one who mispriced an item, I would never expect someone else to pay me back for MY mistake. Ya know what I mean? So if I did buy a mispriced item (not maliciously or anything), I'd be a bit taken aback if I were contacted about it at all! I wouldn't be rude to the person who contacted me, but to be honest, no, I wouldn't pay them back or anything. Shrug.

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As much as I wish I were a nicer person, I'd probably just ignore it and go about my business. I've mistyped values before and accidentally way undersold things, and I feel like that's kind of just a part of dealing with virtual currency. I would never expect someone who was a big-time sniper to pay me back for something that was my own fault.

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