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Aw I'm sorry :( Maybe you could try trading with someone who doesn't have them? There's bound to be someone who's looking for them.


Sorry to hear that! You could try going to the NC board and see if someone would trade you for something?


NC items can be traded for other NC items only using a gift box. It is my understanding that you can only get a gift box now from redeeming neocash cards. A couple years ago the NC mll had a free Spring Gift Box so if you were able to get that then you can trade.


NC items can not be traded for neopoints or any other items.


To get to the NC mall neoboard. go to the board index and scroll down to the board titled NC mall and there you are.


I'm so sorry! You know what's funny? I did the EXACT same thing with my 100nc from monkey quest and got the same result. I was thinking to myself, I want everything but those horrid flame wing - I really am opposed to them... and guess what I got? hahaa. :( oh well


I'm so sorry! You know what's funny? I did the EXACT same thing with my 100nc from monkey quest and got the same result. I was thinking to myself, I want everything but those horrid flame wing - I really am opposed to them... and guess what I got? hahaa. :( oh well

That makes me feel better. :yes: I've only ever had 200 nc on neopets. The first time I got it was from the Expellibox, and I bought the wings of fire for my magma cybunny. Then I got 100 nc from the monkey quest and ended up getting wings of fire again. It wouldn't be so bad if I got to spend nc everyday. In the end it doesn't really matter though considering it's a virtual item. It was just at the time I was thinking, aww, really?


Wow that is kind of a bummer. I hope you're able to find someone to trade with/some way to trade. Good luck! I just claimed the free cash today but haven't taken a look at anything in the NC mall for a while. No idea what I'm going to try for.

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