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How much does beauty really matter?


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Everyone has things about their looks they are self-conscious about, but how much does appearance matter to you guys? Would it affect the way you think of someone before you even met them?


As for myself, I try hard not to make the way people look affect my judgement, but sometimes it can be hard not to what with the media telling us we have to look perfect all the time. I think that's it's way more important whats inside that outside, what about you guys?

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It shouldn't, but it does.


Not just beauty. Posture. Height. Strikingness (is that a real word?) of features.


For example, people don't always choose the President of the United States on what they say. They think they do, but often, they're choosing someone who looks more presidential. So people will tend to vote for a taller man for the job. (Yes, a taller man--when was the last time anyone voted for a female to be president?) The shortest man to be president since television was invented was 5'9" (Harry Truman) and it still wasn't a widespread thing then. The shortest president since getting TV was average height--look at the height of the others since! Barack Obama is 6'1", George W. Bush is 5'11", Bill Clinton is 6'2", GHWB is 6'2"...


People do make snap decisions based on looks. After the snap decision, they can change their decision when they actually talk to a person. But if someone is ugly, people might not even talk to them to begin with, and their personalities will never get a chance to be discovered.




For me personally, I like to think I don't do it. No promises, though. I do tend to gravitate toward people who smile, though--does that count? My dating history is very limited, so I can't tell you how looks have affected it. I CAN tell you that my husband is quite gorgeous (and I thought so when I met him) but I rejected him the first time he asked me out because I was not into him at the time. As I got to know him better, I discovered I WAS into him.

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I'm a terrible person.


I'd love to say that looks don't matter. Which looks don't...


But height does. I will not date someone shorter than me, end of story. I can't tell you why, because I have no idea.


I'll be friends with anyone regardless of looks, I'll hang out with anyone regardless of looks but I would never date someone shorter than me.


*sigh* I'm such a terrible person.

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I know you guys guys may disagree, but beauty does matter, a lot. I mean, being beautiful significantly changes your social life. You probably don't think about this, but would you really want to date someone with, I don't know, acne all over their face even if they were really nice? Didn't think so. <_<

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Do we mean looks as far as hygiene or clothes or both? Looking clean and taking care of yourself(showering and all that jazz)is important. I wouldn't wanna date someone who doesn't take care of themselves.

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It shouldn't, but it does.


Not just beauty. Posture. Height. Strikingness (is that a real word?) of features.


For example, people don't always choose the President of the United States on what they say. They think they do, but often, they're choosing someone who looks more presidential. So people will tend to vote for a taller man for the job. (Yes, a taller man--when was the last time anyone voted for a female to be president?) The shortest man to be president since television was invented was 5'9" (Harry Truman) and it still wasn't a widespread thing then. The shortest president since getting TV was average height--look at the height of the others since! Barack Obama is 6'1", George W. Bush is 5'11", Bill Clinton is 6'2", GHWB is 6'2"...


This is actually a super interesting topic for me. xD I took a class on propaganda about a year ago as one of my electives and we talked about this a lot - specifically the Nixon/Kennedy debate. It was the first presedential debate to be televised and the voting was enormously swayed by this - People who listened to the debate on the radio the old fashioned way believed Nixon had won the debate hands down, but those who had watched the televised broadcast would swear up and down that Kennedy won it by a landslide.

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I know you guys guys may disagree, but beauty does matter, a lot. I mean, being beautiful significantly changes your social life. You probably don't think about this, but would you really want to date someone with, I don't know, acne all over their face even if they were really nice? Didn't think so. <_<


I honestly wouldn't care if I dated someone with acne all over their face. I used to get it. It can't be helped. I went on acutane though.

Beauty/looks doesn't matter to me.

Just as long as my guy is taller than me, which isn't hard, I assure you. XD

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