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GMC END! Your thoughts?

Lady Kakata

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I thought this was a rather fun yet unexpected competition to see who would stand out against each other. Some of the challenges were apparently time-consuming when it came to getting the bonus prizes, but it was a fun event nonetheless.

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I thoroughly enjoyed it! I made a lot of 'friends' too. I like how it brought a lot of players together, especially when it came to helping. I'm glad it wasn't TOO HARD because I'm not that great at games. I was able to complete every single game (except a timed one, which I missed because I fell asleep). I do kind of wish the percentages were more accurate... like, I would have preferred TNT to constantly update the scores, but it's okay. I will support Abigail again in the future :)

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The prizes were not exactly impressive and even repetitive, some of the challenges were quite ridiculously time-consuming, and the winning team is somewhat predictable from the beginning.


Though in conclusion: It was fun, exhausting, and sometimes annoying but in the end, I feel great as soon as I set my eyes on the trophy!

And to be honest, I prefer Brain's trophy over Brawn, not because I'm biased, but I've my reasons that I can't tell...


I will definitely be on AAA's side again in the future, love him or hate him, he is the Game Master. :king:

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the final prizes were pretty dissapointing but i made alot of np off the other prizes it got me past my next bank upgrade :) strength serums helped alot :P



That's if you even got a strength serum. I did all the bonus rounds, and I still didn't get one. That's one of the things I didn't like about it. If they're going to give something out as a general prize like that, they should make sure everyone gets at least one. Having said that, I did enjoy it. I always enjoy Neopets events. And having said that I enjoyed last year's format much more.

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That's if you even got a strength serum. I did all the bonus rounds, and I still didn't get one. That's one of the things I didn't like about it. If they're going to give something out as a general prize like that, they should make sure everyone gets at least one. Having said that, I did enjoy it. I always enjoy Neopets events. And having said that I enjoyed last year's format much more.


ahh sorry to hear that i thought everyone got one i got two, but if they gave too many out it would deflate the cost too much and as it gives 2-3 strength (i think) probably ruin battledome a bit

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I really enjoyed the way it was set up this year. With the two teams, with different types of games, that made it easier for people that are geared towards a certain type of game. (I do better on puzzle type games, than action) Plus, it made things more interesting than just the basic challenges for everyone.


I also liked the bonus challenges. It was nice to have the option to complete the challenges again, for more prizes and team points, but without it affecting the trophy.


My only thought is that some of the prizes could have been more interesting. But I'm beyond thrilled with some of the prizes, like the Winged Kookith (Kookith's are my favorite petpet and I'm slowly working on having all colors for my gallery) and the Snow Covered Lantern Garland. (Plus all of the books and the stamp.)

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This was my first real GMC, and I really enjoyed it

All the people working together to beat the others, and that nice, sparkling level 5 brains trophy after it, it was very cool:)

I don't care the prizes were a little boring, the kookith certainly wasn't, and neither were the wearables, even if they were a litlle bit... Strange... (a mop?!)

Next thing to do: going to the advent calendar EVERY DAY^^

Looking forward to next year;)

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i really enjoyed it !!


i was able to play some games that i never tried before .. like Snow Wars and Biscuit Brigades ... and refreshed my skill in some others


also the bonus prizes were really fun .. you don't always get what you were hoping for but I got some good books for my genius pet - V00D00 .. and 3 strength serums which i sold for good money ...


the end prizes weren't AMAZING but they sure are strange - very much to my liking ... and the level 5 brain trophy is G00OO0oOD!!!

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i really liked it! enjoyable, and i surprised myself by finding all the games pretty easy! (i'm usually pretty crap at this sort of thing)


also i got some brill prizes from the bonus rounds (2 serums and 2 neggs, huzzah!), and i liked all the wearables. so it was a fun week for me. :)

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i got level 4 for brains,


i quite liked my first GMC, i was a bit shocked at the combination challenges, and really struggled with gywlls (sp?) and balance beams and didn't complete those challenges.


i had expected alot more mental puzzles rather than some of the action games though. i did however pick up a new daily: the search for princess llunara


(i also didn't get any strength serums, was probably most disappointed with that)

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i quite liked my first GMC, i was a bit shocked at the combination challenges, and really struggled with gywlls (sp?) and balance beams and didn't complete those challenges.



Ahhh that Gywlls game was the death of me, I eventually did it but it was the only one I didn't bother with the bonus prizes for. Oh and that last one with the faerie cloud racers, spinacles and..something else? I just found it too time consuming to do spinacles. But overall I thought it was pretty fun, although this was my first one so I can't compare it to last year or anything! I just enjoyed having something different to do on Neopets, and it was nice to get a trophy and some half decent books :)


Looking forward to the advent calendar now..

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I thought it was cool that they had competing teams. Mixes it up a little.


I'm disappointed that I didn't get any cool bonus prizes, like strength serums. I got mostly repeats of books :(


The trophy is cool, though! ...Although by comparison, level 5 looks way less impressive than last year's level 8 :P

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I chose my team and then panicked when I saw that brawn team was action games as I am hopeless at those type of games but I was surprised that I did all but 1 challenge and almost all the bonus plays. I did get a lot of duplicate prizes and was a bit disappointed with that but overall it was enjoyable. I have now played several games I would never have even tried before...I am going back though to master feeding that florg dude

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It was good this year. I'm glad that some of the games weren't harder than others. However, I got Basic Rubber Battle Axe like 3,000 times. Ugh! I was expecting amazing prizes after I spent the whole day on Gwyl's Great Escape. That game is so frustrating. But, I'm happy with prizes, trophy, and the stamp. Yay Team Brains! :laughingsmiley:

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It was fun and I really enjoyed. I felt myself becoming better at the neopets flash games :P I supported team brawn and will always enjoy the genre of "brawn" games out there. The trophy was great too, glad I finally have a trophy from one of neopets biggest events.

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