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Rate the Games! Brains AND Brawn!

Lady Kakata

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So, while Brains and Brawn battle it out for dominance, I want to foster a little middle-ground. Both sides are grappling with their games, either enjoying them or hating TNT for putting them in (or is that just me? <.<) , so let's talk about it!


Rate the days games, stating your side, and tell us what you thought of them!


I'll start :


Allegiance : Team Brawn


Day 1 :

Picking Favourites is as Easy as 1, 2, 3! = Er, no comment XD It's not exactly challenging

Need... More... Usukis!!! = Played it prior to GMC, so it was okay XD It's REALLY annoying to accidentally run into the wrong accessory kit when you're sprinting from one room to the other though. And it took me FOREVER to learn how to get onto the balcony to collect the pirate kit.


Day 2 :

Just Keep Flying, Just Keep Flying = HATE this game!! HATE IT! Second least favourite so far.

Altador Calls for Your Aid! = ... At first I didn't like this, but I quite like it when I don't get suddenly instakilled by accidentally brushing a platform while taking out enemies


Day 3 :

The Battlefield Awaits Your Legend = I LOVE this game XD I admit it, this is great and I continue playing even after the challenge

Did Someone Call for a Stampede? = Pretty easy, good for younger players. Hard on the mouse hand :C

Careful, That Last Step is a Doozy = I was terrified of the timer aspect, but once I got the hang of it I found the game pretty exhilarating. Wish I could do that in real life!


Day 4 :

Count Your Neggs Before They Hatch = I. Hate. This. Game. I HATE THIS GAME. ARGH.

Scraps from the Table = Sofie's Stew is good, although the bounce physics are annoying at times. Hungry Skeith is pretty okay as well.

Ketchup and Mustard, BFF! = I'm okay with this game, switching between mouse and directional keys are pretty irritating at times XD But it's still pretty good


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I agree about the Usuki one.


It is annoying to run into one room and hit one of the packages you don't need.


I love the Battlefield game.


This is because on a daily basis I play lots of Tower Defense games. It's just one more to add to my list.


Meerca Chase = Aggravating. I eventually got lucky but that was after yelling at my computer, raging and saying a lot of words I can't say here.


The volcanic one? Hated it. It just reminds me I have yet to get that avatar.



But I did find a few more games to add to my dailies, including the one where those petpets fly at you. Super easy to get 1000 neopoints.

Although the first time I played on easy and it took forever to get the score. Hard is definitely a lot easier than I expected. =D

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Team Brain


Day 1:

Picking Favorites - :worried: Meh. I don't use it anyway. lol

Kiko Match II - Easy and cute; I love the pictures in the background.


Day 2:

Snow Wars II - Easy, but I'm not a big fan.

Crisis Courier - Y'know, I hated this game during Daily Dare, but it's since become one of my favorites.


Day 3:

Neopian Battlefield Legends - Easy, but it's so tedious. I play on fast forward and still get impatient. lol

Kookia - This is also one of my favorite games. Kookia's are so darn cute!

The Search For Princes Lunara - -_- It took me 30 seconds....and my computer lagged upon loading. lol...This was a little too easy. I only had to answer 3 questions to meet requirements.


Day 4:

Meepit Juice Break - While the avatar is still elusive, I still enjoy this game and for the most part it's pretty easy.

Sophie's Stew/Hungry Skeith - Sophie's Stew is fun. Hungry Skeith was a tad bothersome at first, but by time I hit bonuses I had it down to a science.

Hot Dog Hero - Easy, but I'm pretty indifferent toward the game itself.


Day 5:

Snowmuncher/Petpet Plunge - I like both games. Cute and fun.

Bumble Beams - I always get frustrated with this one as I have a tendency to launch the little guy when waiting for the last cart. lol

Sutek's Tomb/Piper Panic - I love both of these games!

Gwyl's Great Escape - More like My Miraculous Escape From This Game. SO frustrating.


Current Game "Fears"---Roodoku, Whirlpool, and Time Tunnel. <<<Soooo hoping to avoid any of those.

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Team Brain :D


Day 1:

Picking Favorites - I had to remove mine, but no matter!

Kiko Match II - Ridiculously easy, I thought they would all be this way. :/ Too bad they weren't sigh.


Day 2:

Snow Wars II - Easy, because all I had to do was find ONE fort, then quit and send score. :P

Crisis Courier - Time consuming, but whatever, can be done.


Day 3:

Neopian Battlefield Legends - I only scored 6,000 before I died and I was like WHUT ._. Then I picked up hints and scored the highest score! :D

Kookia - Easy Peasy, just get to mid level 2 in Hard. :)

The Search For Princes Lunara - Answer 3 questions and get it? Uhhh Yep easy. :))


Day 4:

Meepit Juice Break - Blegh, but yea, I got it in the end.

Sophie's Stew/Hungry Skeith - Love both games, but time consuming!!!

Hot Dog Hero - Haven't played it yet, but I don't really like it anyway.

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Team Brain

Day 1:

Picking Favorites - difficulty level 0/10 : click click click ...


Kiko Match II - 5/10 : I forgot to stop the animation to save time - so I lost twice before I remembered that trick !


Day 2:

Snow Wars II - 4/10 : I had no idea how to play this game and my score in it was ZERO , but thanks to TDN I managed to do it and now I'm thinking about playing it more and more and more - for the avatar ...


Crisis Courier - 3/10 : only needed to finish a level and a half ... wasn't really hard - but I still hate this game with a passion


Day 3:

Biscuit Brigades - 2/10 : I never played this game before .. but again thanks to TDN guide it was really easy and fun - very similar to Battlefield Legens (which I'm good at)


Kookia - 1/10 : wasn't much of a challenge


The Search For Princes Lunara - 1/10 : Answer 3 questions only - I went with Notable Neopians ...


Day 4:

Meepit Juice Break - 2/10 : fist time playing it after the ZEN ordeal .. it was ok - easy score ... but doing it 4 more times for the bonus was a bit irritating


Sophie's Stew/Hungry Skeith - 4/10 : took some time - Love Sophie's ... but Hungry Skeith needs a HUGE update/upgrade ...


Hot Dog Hero - 3/10 : just went for the bonus time ... finished 3 levels quickly ... but still the bonus plays were time consuming - i don't like this game

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Already done this on some other thread, but I'm judging 0/10 out of the difficulty level.


Day 1


Picking Favourites is as Easy as 1, 2, 3! - 0/10 Not really a challenge

Need... More... Usukis!!! - 1/10 Pretty easy, because I'm familiar with the game


Day 2


Just Keep Flying, Just Keep Flying - 5/10 Not that hard, but the flying rocks annoys me

Altador Calls for Your Aid! - 3/10 2nd familiar game, similar to the former, but easier


Day 3


The Battlefield Awaits Your Legend - 5/10 Time consuming, but did it with sister's help

Did Someone Call for a Stampede? - 1/10 Piece of cake

Careful, That Last Step is a Doozy - 5/10 It made me feel a little scared considering my acrophobia, but otherwise, it's moderate


Day 4


Count Your Neggs Before They Hatch - 6/10 Moderately hard, had to dodge dozens of red neggs

Scraps from the Table - 4/10 They felt different, I was confused at first with Hungry Skeith

Ketchup and Mustard, BFF! - 4/10 Laggy ... but no problemo otherwise


Day 5


A Whole Mess of Petpets - 7/10 EDIT: Just finished! Barf Boat took a few tries, Mop 'n' Bop was frustrating on first try, but then I managed to make it a win!

Robbin' the Rich - 3/10 I'm familiar with this, again, easy for that reason

May the Best Petpet Win - 3/10 I love Meepit vs. Feepit, Chariot Chase wasn't as bad and hard as most people said it was

Easy as Rolling off a Log - 6/10 Twas' quite bothersome with the abundance of le obstacles

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Day 1:

Picking favorites: 0/10 It was lyk so HAARDDDDDD!!!111!!!!11!!...umm..yeah..

Kiko Match: 1/10 super easy and pretty enjoyable :)


Day 2:

Snow Wars: 4/10I'm actually pretty good at this game, I already had a high score that surpassed the requirements, so it went pretty smoothly

Crisis Courier: 8/10I am really reallly bad at any game where I have to control something racing across the screen...seriously..once I got the hang of it and read a few guides *cough* more than a few *cough*, I could meet requirements, but it'll never be a favorite.


Day 3:

Biscuit brigade: 4/10 I love this kind of game, I used to play a PC version of the this all the time. Its just super time consuming, building up your defenses and waiting to get the score, and having to build them up alllll over again for each bonus.

Kookia: 1/10 Simple game, easy peasy

Princess Lunara: 0/10 no brainer if you have a guide with all the answers on it :P


Day 4:

Meepit juice break: 8/10 I hate this game...I really do...it annoys me..Its really simple but the countdowns under the meepits get on my nerves and the sheer repetitiveness of the game is just...ugh

Sophie's stew: 9/10 I'm pretty bad at this, whenever I lost before getting to the right score, I'd grumble about how Sophie could just WALK to her cauldron without all the theatrics of having me bump her ingredients to it....

Hungry Skieth: 2/10 I love this game, super easy and enjoyable, I kept playing even after I finished all the bonuses (I played this 5 times before attempting sophie's stew, later realizing that only one of those 5 counted, I had to play this 9 times total to finish the bonuses :'()

Hot dog hero: 3/10 I'm neutral about this game, I think its pretty pointless but I love the sticky mayonnaise that lets you walk upside down :P amused me while I was getting the challenges done.


Day 5:

Snowmuncher: 9/10 I died before getting the required score about 15 times before I finally finished the challenge, still haven't done the bonuses for this.

Petpet Plunge: 2/10 The required score was reallly low for this game, you only had to finish 2 levels and you'd have enough points...quick and easy.

Suteks tomb: 2/10 I think match 3 games in general are tedious, I haven't played one in ages, but I'm pretty good at them so it wasn't that bad.

Piper Panic: 0/10 I love this game, I spent a lot of time playing this when it was the "Better than you" game, so I finished this quickly

Gwyls Great Escape: 9/10 I started out supremely bad at this, I got less than 80 points on my first try, but after reading a few guides, I could make it to 800 points easily.

Bumble Beams: 6/10 A nice game, once you get the hang of it, pretty fast too.

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Day 6


Victory is Written in the Stars - 4/10 Medium level difficulty is the key

Easy as Gaseous Moonpie - 5/10 This was quite versatile

Sloth Won't See This Coming! - 6/10 Managed to get past through level 1

Galactic Juggling Act - 7/10 Zurroball was short, but Evil Fuzzles were certainly confusing


Day 7

Faerie, Faerie... Hasee? You're it! - I'm fine with Faerie Bubbles and Hasee Bounce, but Extreme Faerie Cloud Racers? REALLY!?! They just had to give me an another laggy game to start off with! :grrr: Lucky Team Brains, they got the easier version of it

No Time for Cold Feet - 4/10 Yet again, a versatile challenge

Action Hero - 2/10 And another, managed to get past through while playing the games for the TM challenge

When the Going Gets Tough - 2/10 ... and yet again, also managed to do it while playing the TM challenge as well

I Knew I Should Have Started Earlier - 1/10 I've already played 60 games, so I only did it after sending a score in only one game

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I'm not planning on rating games for the other days. Only today's.


Team Brawn



Faerie, Faerie... Hasee? You're it!: Why the hard ones??? WHY??? Faerie Bubbles - fine. But SUPER Hasee Bounce AND EXTREME Faerie Cloud Racers? - No way! I thought both the teams got fair games...3/10


No Time for Cold Feet: Not really hard or anything. 7/10


Action Hero: Wasn't much of a problem for me. I had already finished most of the qualifying games anyway. 7/10


When the Going Gets Tough: Not that bad. Same reason as the last challenge. Since it was for more than 4, I give a 6.


I Knew I Should Have Started Earlier: Yeah, I started before. But for those who didn't, this challenge gets only a 2/10.

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Here's my thoughts on all the challenges I faced. I'm not going to lie, but here's my opinions for Team Brains' challenges:


Day 1:

Picking Favourites is as Easy as 1, 2, 3!- Easy peasy, like if that was a tough challenge. :P

9 out of 10

Match Wits with Kikos- Also as easy as can be to get 100 points in Kiko Match 2.

9.5 out of 10


Day 2:

It's snowing! Get the catapults!- Making a bigger fort in Snow Wars 2 really did the trick over here.

9 out of 10

Altador Calls for Your Aid!- Crisis Courier has been a favourite game of mine, and I enjoyed playing it to get 3K a day for a good while now. That was another simple challenge if you ask me.

10 out of 10


Day 3:

The Battlefield Awaits Your Legend- This was the most time-consuming challenge I ever faced in the entire GMC. It felt boring trying to get the bonuses, but it was worth it. :P

7 out of 10

Did Someone Call for a Stampede?- I love Kookia, and this challenge was far too easy for me. I always played Kookia on hard, period.

10 out of 10

Our Princess is Not in the Castle- I'm not super fond of The Search for Princess Lunara, but the required score could of been worse. Still easy by the way.

8 out of 10


Day 4:

Picnic with the Meepits- Also could of been worse, but it was quite a medium challenge if you ask me.

8.5 out of 10

Scraps from the Table- Wasn't too bad of a challenge, but it got slightly crazy when it came to the bonus plays.

8 out of 10

Ketchup and Mustard, BFF!- Hot Dog Hero was one of my weaker games, and I got the hang of it soon enough to complete the bonuses as well. :P

7.75 out of 10


Day 5:

Water you waiting for? It's Snow Time!- Somewhat easy, and I've mastered getting a fine score in Petpet Plunge as well for weeks prior to this.

9 out of 10

This Device is Programmed to Respond, Arf!- I also had a bit of practice at Bumble Beams as well prior to this challenge, pretty moderate if you ask me.

8.75 out of 10

A Gem in the Hand is Worth Two in the Sand- Sutek's Tomb was mighty easy for me, but for Piper Panic... not so much. Still okay though.

8.5 out of 10

Breaking New Ground- I almost doomed myself in Gwyl's Great Escape until I learned the secret code to get to the secret level.

8.5 out of 10


Day 6:

Break the Mould- I used to be rubbish at Lost in Space Fungus until I read TDN's guide for this game, pretty moderate challenge.

8.25 out of 10

Easy as Gaseous Moonpie- Exactly what it says. =P

10 out of 10

Sloth Won't See This Coming!- I've been skilled at Spacerocked myself, especially on days when the NP ratio is good. Pretty easy for me.

9.25 out of 10

Double Trouble... in Space!- Escape to Kreludor felt a bit ridiculous to me, but Moon Rock Rampage was the easier half of the challenge.

8 out of 10


Day 7:

We're Just Bubbling Along- That felt like an odd mix of games with moderate challenges, all that farming in Spinacles back in the Daily Dare paid off.

7.5 out of 10

Hope You're Not Afraid of Heights- I stuck with Imperial Exam, Top Chop, and Shenkuu Warrior 2 for this. I sent scores like I didn't care for that one.

8.5 out of 10

Puzzle Master- I stuck with Goparokko, Kiko Match 2, and Lost in Space Fungus for that one. Slightly different than the above challenge.

9 out of 10

When the Going Gets Tough- Not a toughie if you ask me. I chose Bumble Beams, Crisis Courier, and Darigan Dodgeball for this challenge.

9 out of 10

I Knew I Should Have Started Earlier- ...and that I did. Easy for a guy who wants his/her list complete, but it was pretty exhaustive to play all the qualifying games.

8.75 out of 10

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