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Lady Kakata

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For your (and Leedom) very very very awesome work, your Abagail art and Leedom's AAA art made it to the Art Gallery! :D



Still, Team Brawn for the win!


ah, i am glad we made it ^_^

she (leedom111) is superb artist, i should take example from her

and thanks Evil Bunneh!


yes, Team Brawn ftw!

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I find it permanently funny that brothers and sisters in Neopets can be completely different species XD Then again, it's the same in Pokemon, right?


Interested in Day II's puzzles. This is the first time I've taken part in a site event (I MISSED FAERIE'S RUIN, oh my God I'm so bummed about that considering what a Faerieland fan I am :C) at the time of release, apart from the last Altador Cup (which I had no idea what I was doing XD) and the Altador Plot (NOT at time of release)

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I do have one question though. Since this is my first year at the GMC, and I see a lot (lot lot) of qualifying games.

Are we supposed to complete them or what? Or only the challenges? Or both? ...I'm confused. :S

I've participated two years ago, but it wasn't full-time.


I think the challenges are supposed to be more important.

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I do have one question though. Since this is my first year at the GMC, and I see a lot (lot lot) of qualifying games.

Are we supposed to complete them or what? Or only the challenges? Or both? ...I'm confused. :S

You may receive challenges that as you to send a score in a certain amount of qualifying games.


So one challenge may be : "Send a score in 15 qualifying games"

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What's the mystery challenge? It just says question marks. O.O does anyone know?

That game is Kookia, just in case if you don't know, and I realized that I haven't complete two more bonus plays of it.


I'm ... REALLY enjoying Battlefield Legends XD I'm powering through it and for the Meridell Castle thing I've gotten a brilliant setup (STILL hate those guys who break your towers!>8C)

I've just finished it thanks to my sister's brilliant strategy, and those guys are a piece of cake once you have Level 4 catapult towers surrounding it.


Here's how the game looked like when I used my sister's strategy:




There were lots of catapult towers used, four of which are level 4, three of it are level 2, and one of which is a level 3, the only non-catapult tower used here is the rapid-fire tower which has also not been upgraded.

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What's the mystery challenge? It just says question marks. O.O does anyone know?


The mystery challenge is Kookia.


We update our guide right away at midnight, as soon as we have the scores/games/prizes figured out, so you can always check that. It's HERE.

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Here's my guide for the Meridell Medium section




Build a tower to either side of the entrance gate


Build towers on either side of the entrance gates


UPGRADE these towers as far as they can go


A destroyer WILL break THREE or your towers and one guy will probably get through (hence 90%)


Rebuild, get them back up to Level 4


One you've done that, build a heavy catapult at the ENTRANCE side


Build one at the EXIT side


Upgrade these as far as they will go


Build two more heavy catapults




EDIT (BETTER STRATEGY!) : Build your four duel catapults like normal. THEN save up and BUY A HEAVY AT THE ENTRANCE. Then start upgrading your towers. When your tower destroyer comes to ruin your party, the heavy catapults will HELP to kill it before it breaks your towers

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Thank you guys for the Battlefield Legends strategies! I was just about to call it quits on that.


It can be very confusing to start with but trial and error really does get you used to it XD I might actually continue playing it for a while (normally I don't play games; I make my NP as a seller) and hone strategies

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